What the hell is an Institutionalist? A soulless bureaucrat?

Brian Williams had years to address the issues: a massive and unrelenting border invasion from diseased third world illegal aliens who will not integrate, huge transfer of American jobs and technology to communist China, Deep State corruption, liberal economic policies run amok, transsexual madness redefining sex and gender in ways which disenfranchise the majority of society, etc.

I don’t ever recall him standing up firmly for our “borders, language culture” (Michael Savage phrase) in a clear manner while a newscaster. At least not the way conservative talk show hosts and some politicians like Trump do.

Does he think the problem is Trump-supporting nationalists that believe in our founding principles? Those evil Right-wingers that still cling to the traditional American values that made us great? Or, are they just a bunch of racist haters like many of Brian’s mainstream media cohorts believe?

Does he believe the problem is the Left-wing radical Marxists that have taken over the government, media, educational and national security apparatus and are running the country into the ground while dancing on our collective grave?

Like many morally confused and wishy-washy Institutionalists, he takes the pension, runs, then tells the tale or writes a book after the fact. After it costs him nothing, since he’s already secured his own thirty-pieces-of-silver nest egg while the middle class languishes and dies.

Weak sauce buddy. Really weak… Just what I’d expect from a died-in-the-wool, self-professed, Establishment Institutionalist…

The problem with today’s institutions is that they are peopled by corporate (institutional) narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths. You can spot them a mile away with their moral indifference, nebulous ethics, callousness to their fellow men, selfishness, lack of empathy and false set of Liberal social justice values (anti hate, anti homophobic, anti racist, anti sexist).

I don’t know John. Perhaps you have that same faceless, nameless, unrecognizable, bureaucratic grayness of soul that we’ve come to expect from our mainstream media pundits and institutionalists in all spheres of power and influence that have consistently betrayed the public trust.

Maybe America is unreconizable to you because after all these years of selling out you’re unrecognizable to yourself.

We are where we are today precisely because of your actions and inaction in dealing with the pressing issues of the day, when they needed to be addressed to the public, in order to safeguard our way of life. This should have been done long before the wheels of civic morality flew off the wagon of civil society.

Given our current trajectory soon there won’t be anything worth defending, much less fighting for overseas.

Have a nice day Brian. And don’t let the door hit you in the soul on the way out. On second thought, let it….if you’ve got any left.