How about the 50 Former Intel Professionals, Some Rather High Ranking, That Lied and Said the Hunter Biden Laptop was Russian Disinfo? Why No Comment on That?
How about the rolling-wave coup against Trump via lawfare?
How about John’s book with accusations that it contains classified info? Bolton’s poor choice for president was Dick Cheney, and Cheney went ahead and voted for Kamala. Cuckoo Birds of a feather, if you ask me…
He mixes nonsense with sense and selective outrage to the point that he cancels out his own logic and credibility. For a macro, big picture national security guy he misses the bigger picture like threats to our borders, language, culture, history, traditions, law and military posed by the Liberals, Marxists and socialists and their open borders policy. Border security is indivisible with national security.
Bolton reminds me of Inspector Clouseau of the Pink Panther series: he’s so busy busting the blind guy with his monkey in front of the bank for not having a license he misses the robbers actually heisting the joint right in front of his face.
In addition, he fails to look inward and projects his lack of self-awareness onto others supposing they have no vision of the way the world really works. No guiding philosophy, if you will. Hence, he says Trump has no philosophy but what he really means is that Trump doesn’t buy into his Neocon ideology. Bolton sees the world in two dimensions, as intersecting horizonal and vertical flat planes: weakness and strength, war and peace, isolation and intercourse. But there’s another dimension to this soulless push and pull of cause and effect in the history of human action and reaction.
Morality, art and nationality starts with drawing a line.
Trump has a moral vision and views the world in three dimensions: humanly, historically and spiritually. In a word, he sees the fulfilment of America’s new Manifest Destiny domestically first, then, as a natural extension, internationally as his implicit guiding moral philosophy. This, one can naturally deduce from his actions.
Jittery, impatient Bolton mistakes Trump’s cautious practicality and judicious interventionism with isolationism. Bolton wants to control and suffocate events while Trump wants to massage them and let them breathe. It takes two to Tango and you can’t dance with a corpse, much less cut a deal with it.
In addition he sees Trump’s motives as selfish and transactional when it is Trump who has personally sacrificed so much, almost his life, for his country and the greater good of others. Not just domestically, but overseas.
Only Trump has expressed sorrow at the hundreds of thousands of deaths on both sides of the Russian/Ukraine war, while others accuse him of wanting Ukraine to lose or being in league with the Russians, or even, god forbid, a Putinista.
Certainly he doesn’t need to put himself through so much personal suffering and hell for merely power reasons, especially when he’s already been President. Trump sees himself as the servant of something greater than himself and is willing to endure the slings and arrows of outrageous persecution for us all.
In this respect he is somewhat Christ like.
Trump’s is the more accurate and holistic world view. History bears this out from his first successful administration and so will future historians…especially when it comes to the X Factor: Divine Providence.
Think of John Paul II and Ronald Reagan, the attempts on their lives and the new world emerging at the time of the turbulent 1980s; a world that few saw coming, or could even imagine. Something new was afoot on the horizon of man’s destiny: the Iron Curtain would come down, and a sizeable chunk of the world would soon be liberated by the actions of those two men.
Similarly, something new is on the horizon of man and Trump understands its far reaching, transnational and transpersonal implications: the New World Order and its Transhuman and post-human agendas.
I don’t think John Bolton gets it. It really is the end of history, as we know it. But not in the way Francis Fukuyama envisioned, even though it emerges as an inevitable consequence of the supposed triumph of Liberal Democracy and its technocratic “Moral Ice Age” and High-Tech Dark Age. Putin’s #1 Geo Political strategist Aleksander Dugin gets it. Pope John Paul II certainly understood it. And Trump at least senses it.
I may do an analysis of John Bolton and examine his world view and interventionist policies and little closer. He seems to lack responsibility for his actions and an appreciation of the larger context and not so hidden Neocon agenda in which they neatly fit.
Perhaps it’s a lack of moral conscience and empathy for those that have paid the substantial price for his failed policies, a war dividend, if you will. But that suggests sociopathy, and I’m not certain he’s that clinically pathological in his moronic recklessness. Sometimes a moron is just a moron.
As a master builder, Trump has an insatiable appetite for construction. As a Neocon war hawk Bolton has an insatiable appetite for destruction. Trump wants to build bridges with other nations; John Bolton wants to blow them up!
Peace through war is not peace through strength, John and moderation is a Renaissance virtue. Trump just happens to be a Renaissance man.