BLM Chapter Believes American Flag Symbolizes Racism + A Related Story by OW (Bill O’Reilly)

I was walking toward a restaurant with my mom to have lunch a few months back. She was wearing a shirt with the American flag on it. As we approached the restaurant a black woman came up to my mom, looked at her shirt and said “Donald Trump hates black people.” I looked at this woman and said, “WHAT?” She said “Donald Trump hates black people.” I said to my mom “let’s go” and we kept walking.

The mentality of some people, this hapless woman for example, is beyond reason. I wasn’t even going to debate the idiot in the parking lot because it would have been pointless. Invincible ignorance and invincible hate go hand in hand and this woman was obviously projecting.

That my mom wore an American flag shirt and that the flag symbolized Donald Trump hates black people is proof of the false syllogism in her head: American Flag = Trump. Trump = hatred of black people. Therefore, American flag = hatred of black people. Hence, my mom was wearing an American flag so she too must hate black people. Sheer idiocy.

It’s obvious, on a social level, the divide between Liberals and conservatives cannot be bridged with reason; hence, they (the Biden Regime) has to use coercion and force while professing “unity.” True unity of a nation comes from shared values, not shared race or ethnicity. This is authentic civic nationalism, as opposed to ethno-nationalism. Some say that “civil nationalism” doesn’t really exist.

Our Constitution and Bill of Rights are those shared values, the societal glue that keeps America to together and America. You cannot have one without the other.

If unity comes at the cost of sacrificing our foundational statement of purpose and being as a nation then we cease being America. What kind of unity is that? If our Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights and national symbol are all racist then the only unity there can be internally is between competing tribalistic alliances and warring ethno-national allegiances all striving for a piece of the dwindling economic pie…as that pie either shrinks or is eaten up. We’re almost $30 TRILLLION in debt as a country.

Look at the desire for a separate (separatist) Black National Anthem. What next? A gay national anthem (“We are the champions” by Queen, for example) or a new brown national anthem for La Raza advocates?

Try drafting America’s youth to fight a massive, protracted world war against China when people don’t even believe in the system they’re fighting for, or worse, believe that it’s racist and oppressive. That’s a sure recipe for disaster. And even if you do get them into the military, Critical Race Theory will have destroyed their moral purpose, and esprit de corps. Marxist (Communist) Critical Race Theory says “white” America is the oppressor.

We might face massive surrender by troops who refuse to fight believing that fighting China is racism against Asians. In fact, since Critical Race Theory teaches America as founded is the oppressor, the communist Chinese might actually be seen as the liberators! Imagine an army at ideological war with itself in time of war against communist China. It’s that kooky…and pernicious!

And you’ve got all these present and former military and government officials too afraid to criticize Secretary Lloyd Austin on his support for Afro-Marxist Critical Race Theory indoctrination of our armed forces because he’s black. I say the emperor’s got no common sense.

Forced unity, or unity with insanity in order to keep a temporary state of peaceful relations is incompatible with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and cannot endure. It’s unsustainable because the Left keeps demanding more and more liberty to sustain it: our borders, language, culture, history, traditions and law all must be sacrificed for temporary unity and to keep the peace–until there is no recognizable America left.

This is the Globalist, Marxist, communist dream! Dialectical surrender, inch by inch.


We’re headed (we’re actually in it) for sustained, internal, low intensity conflict which will take many forms, but mainly will be seen at first as widespread crime with law enforcement caught between a pension and a hard place as they crack down on patriotic Americans who naturally react defensively to protect their way of life while believing they are doing the right thing.

I think the intelligence and law enforcement agencies have already succumbed to soft corruption in certain ways. The FBI, CIA and DOJ certainly have under Liberal leadership. Now you’ve got the Department of Defense under General Milley and Lloyd Austin promoting Marxist Critical Race theory so it’s obvious to any informed and thinking individual we’re on a self-destructive trajectory.

What comes next is based on how Americans react to the multiple stresses being purposefully heaped on them in some kind of weird, Left-wing social experiment to see how much they/we can take. No, it’s not a conspiracy…it’s social engineering on steroids! Everyone has a breaking point. Even societies. On a macro level will it be compounding negative economic and social realities that act as the fault lines and trigger points for forcible resistance to perceived intolerable tyranny?

On a micro level, for some, it may be eviction from one’s house. For others a knock at the door by a Biden vaccine “strike force” group to see if you’ve been vaxxed. For others still it might be losing a job because they wore a shirt with the American flag on it to work. Perhaps it will be attempted forced vaccination or loss of a job because you’ve refused the Covid vax that sets off a predictable reaction.

Stay tuned.