But not a word of support or guarantee to defend our southern border from a massive land Invasion by millions of illegal aliens?
God, I hope this imperious, liberal clown is just blowing smoke…
Where does this guy get off pledging to harvest unending American resources in service to Israel as we’re being invaded by millions of illegal aliens and can’t meet minimum military recruitment goals, not to mention our $30+ trillion national debt tethered to a dying, taxed-to-death middle class and dwindling munitions stockpiles?
Sure, help Israel out with intelligence and supplies but always keep American interests – lives, resources, national security and other priorities – first. And don’t say unending, unconditional support of Israel is in our national interest because it most certainly is not.
My guess is that there’s more than a few media pundits, politicians and politically appointed cabinet-level officials that may feel like Blinken. However, rest assured they or their sons will never serve front-line in the U.S. or Israeli armies.
They talk a glib game but they have forked-tongue, ass-chair-warrior tendencies and ulterior motives, while living quite handsomely off the fat of the land. They’re the Lindsay Graham, Mike Pence types…Yeah, I know, I know. Graham is a retired military lawyer. However, today’s politicized and “woke” military is a safe haven for these types and they’re less than a dime a dozen.
Short of divine intervention, on a case-by-case basis and localized miracles, even God’s Biblical promises to Israel and the Jewish people are always conditional – based on their behavior – and he more than once or twice has “pulled the plug” on his support based on poor performance. Quid. Pro. Quo. You know?
What’s good for God is good for America. Jesus Christ himself didn’t intervene top-down, large scale, in the global affairs of man with any temporary, stop-gap measures such as a Pax Americana or “duty to protect” to put a stop to endemic war and widespread famine. He could have accepted the Devil’s offer of the kingdoms of heaven on earth when taken atop the mountain and tempted with the pursuit of earthly power…but he refused. That was not his mission. Thinking so was Judas’ mistake and why he sold out Jesus; hence his soul, to the devil for 30 pieces of silver…
He knew that both war and famine would always be among us and those twin evils – more often than not – spring from the the bottom up, amongst the corrupt hearts of men. Hence from there, given free will to choose to act ethically and responsibly, the possible solutions to these problems should arise.
However, who can deny that stopping the march of Nazism and halting the spread of communism was the universal pursuit of a higher good? Thus God leaves it up to man. So, choose wisely…
And Jesus did say “occupy until I come.” Make of that what you will. For me that means my natural instincts and proclivities towards God, family and country (America) first are positive ones. “Think globally, act locally.” Or, a virtuous, strong and prosperous America is a shining beacon on the hill that beckons all countries to a better human standard.
In traditional religious terms, Israel is a quasi-liberal, secular state neurotically hell-bent on survival–due to obvious circumstances. In desperate situations desperate people do desperate things, including dragging others into the maelstrom.
Israelis should put Israel first, but with so many Leftists in power, poor decisions and the suicidal impulses of Liberalism seem to be having a corrosive effect on their society in general and national security in particular. This leads to disasters like we just saw with the Hamas attack; hence, their national security apparatus is obliged to respond in kind: an eye for an eye.
In the fog of war all visibility – moral, spiritual and otherwise – is thus reduced and takes a back seat to more primal urges and hierarchy of needs such as security and survival. Hopefully, there’s a few leaders with the moral vision to see past the immediate horizon of war to what comes next: unintended consequences, some possibly irreparable, and all…