Nothing comes from nothing. There is something; therefore, there never was nothing. This something could not bring itself into existence or it would have had to exist before it existed, which is an impossibility. Therefore, something had to bring it into existence. This is God.
-E. Michael Jones
In beginning was the Word (spirit/consciousness/mind) and the Word was with God and the Word was God.
Mind created matter, matter didn’t create mind or else the effect is greater than the cause. God is the cause…
Why? Because…he willed it. He is the force of his own volition. The Prime Mover…
Why create anything?
Because…God is good. And creation is an act of good. Hence, a moral universe of being.
So, you better try to figure out what he wants from his creatures.
And it ain’t tranny kids, non-binary magical thinking wokesters or technocratic elite Globalists trying to play god.
Tell me, what is a miracle?

Resist the New World Order (the Global Regime of Economic Interdependence with authoritarian, soul-killing regimes like communist China) and oppose technocratic, anti-human agendas like Globalism and Transhumanism.
Because economic interdependence precedes political and social interdependence…with a snake, a serpent–in opposition to our Declaration of Independence; hence, our God-given rights.