“Anti-Semitism:” The Last Refuge of the Neocon, and the First Refuge of Mark Levin?

Like the term “racism” it has virtually lost its meaning.

Perhaps anti-semitism can now be defined as something a Jewish person, oftentimes a Leftist, doesn’t like? It’s almost tribalistic and definitely a tactic of the Left to label someone as such to shut them down and control free speech, or, in Mel Gibsons case, to stop him from making a movie about Jesus.

Both former never Trumper’s Levin and Shapiro lack wisdom and understanding, in my opinion. When they rant about anti-Semitism it becomes insufferable and cliche.

Are they great Americans? If so, what’s so great about ’em? Because we’re told they’re great? That’s the sum of greatness now allotted to the land of the free and home of the brave? I’ll give Levin credit for doing some good work against Marxism.

The late, great, Christian journalist Malcolm Muggeridge fought the Nazis in World War II. That’s greater than any of their accomplishments…combined.