2 videos

A private, for-profit corporate war is dangerous business indeed…

Especially when the corporations sending the weapons to wage war today will benefit from rebuilding the countries they helped destroy, tomorrow. Already there’s talk of big money to rebuild Ukraine after the war.

But how to you rebuild the lives of 500,00 dead and injured Ukrainians?

Cheney, Halliburton, the Deep State… Nah, that wouldn’t have anything to do with Liz Cheney’s corrupt behavior joining the radical Dems in attacking Trump (who wants to put a halt to this no-win-war insanity).

I read up to 50% of the personnel in Iraq were contractors. Even if the number was half of that it would be amazing…in a negative way.

For one it removes the America people from the shared responsibility for war outside of perpetually funding it; thereby, allowing corruption to flourish and dangerous polices – like supporting Ukraine indefinitely – to roll on despite the danger of kicking off a world war and bankrupting the nation.

Look at the Blind Trust holdings of Dem and Repub politicians and their investment in defense contractors for a clue. Then look at the interlocking board of directorships of these same corporations.

Then look at who’s on CNN and MSNBC advocating sending arms to Ukraine ad infinitum and the revolving door from unelected cabinet positions to the corporate apex and back to government again.