The Soul is your moral center.
It is immaterial; therefore, beyond time–though confined to the mortal body until death.
God ensouls a person when the zygote is clinging to the endometrial wall of his or her mother.
In spiritual terms it is the self, the software that morally or immorally empowers the spirit, which is your eternal hardware of being.
The more you become your True Self the closer you are to God, spiritually speaking.
The False Self is you soul mired in sin (crimes against God.). The distance between you and God is the False Self. The more you sin, the greater the distance between you and God–morally and spiritually speaking…
The fuel of the False Self that empowers and expands it are inordinate, egoic attachments to:
Affection and Esteem
Power and Control
Survival and Security
“Ashes to ashes, dust to dust…”