Good point on Russia’s communist China relations.
Also, you don’t combat the New World Order with bombs and bullets. It’s a war of ideas, first and foremost. Actually it’s spiritual warfare to because the Transhumanist project is anti-human and soul killing.
As far as a world without Russia is not worth living and blowing it all up, well we lived in a world without Russia for 70 years under communism, when it was the corrupt and corrupting Soviet Union.
It’s not Russia’s job right now to save the world as if they had a Messiah Complex. It has to save itself first…with God’s help.
Never forget: Putin is ex, Cold-War Era, KGB. Therefore, he should recuse himself from the project to save the world because I think he’s still mired in Soviet-era sin. Step down and prove you’ve repented. Let someone else lead the nation…for God’s sake, Russia’s sake and ours.
Lest Russia – in the words of Our Lady of Fatima – spread its errors throughout the world…and take the world down with it!