1. Based on his over-the-top, radical, never-Trump statements in the past about Donald being a potential Hitler, sexual predator etc., I would have passed him over at the beginning. Those statements, although he has repented of them, tell me he’s a bit too subject to group-think creedal passions (and passivities when pressured) and lacks objectivity. I would never have said that, even in my younger years. Simply because it’s not true. Playboy? Well, money, fame and power… Predator? Definitely not. I could see right through those Liberal assertions. Much like Mike Pence criticizing Trump during the campaign when the Billy Bush tape came out. As a presage of things to come when the chips were down, Mike later failed to back Trump when he needed it by not objecting to a corrupt voting system and certifying the Electoral College Votes for Biden before the dust settled on obvious fraud. I thought Mike was “pretty good” but never great. And greatness is now what is needed to make America great.
  2. Vance’s background with controversial Silicon Valley Big Tech-ers, like the bizarre Peter Thiel, would have made me question any Globalist, high-tech lobbyist subservience and corruption of sentiment.

However, his current conservative views and obvious allegiance to MAGA objectives, coupled with the fact that the mainstream media seems to be trying to push him out, tells me the Establishment consensus is that he’s a threat to the current order. That gives me hope he’s legit. His commitment to big issues, such as ending the Ukraine/Russia War, tells me he’s willing to stand by controversial but critical policies that have global consequences for war and peace, though contrary to the popular “world view.”

In the final analysis, I’m not sure who Trump would replace him with. The only other viable alternative to me would be Governor Ron DeSantis. And DeSantis hurled some unsavory accusations against Trump during his campaign too, but likewise, has since come over to his side. Obviously, I’m not in favor of choosing a woman or minority as window dressing to appeal to the masses, as some have suggested. I want the person who will surely carry Trump’s legacy into the future and is most qualified. The less a conniving politician the better.

If Trump believes Vance to be legit and can point to some objective “Damascus Road Experience” where JD finally saw the light, then that’s good enough for me. Sometimes the loudest critics can become the staunches advocates.

Otherwise, it’s never too late to flip the script if right…and necessary. I don’t know what Trump knows but I trust his instincts at this point. He has his reasons known only to his closest advisors and God.

Whatever happens going forward, there is a lot of danger and opportunity. More miracles will be needed to right our current sinking ship of economy, state and social order.