3 videos (video 3 is on heretical Christian Zionism)

No. No corruption of sentiment or bias towards war there. Much less moral and spiritual insight. See the last video on Christian Zionism below. Does Mark Levin think the Orthodox Christian Churches in Russia are anti-Semitic like the rabbi in the video below? I wonder. He seems pretty wacky…
There seems to be an animus here that verges on hysteria, perhaps…Russiaphobia?
Levin talks about people’s supposed fascination with Putin when it’s him who’s obsessing over Putin all the time. It’s not about Putin, per se, it’s about stopping the deaths of hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of people on both sides! Both the Russians and Ukrainians are held hostage by Putin and Zelensky! Can’t this moral and spiritual imbecile see this?
Doesn’t it make sense to try to pull Russia out of the Chinese sphere of influence? No? Sort of an inversion of what Kissinger did with the attempt at a Sino/Soviet split under Nixon? After all, the EU leans more towards socialism that Russia and are at least as anti-democratic as Russia – while professing allegiance to “democracy” – as they suppress free speech, the freedom of assembly and flood Europe with millions of illegal aliens from Africa and the Middle East.
Yet, Keane and Levin are conspicuously silent. Why? Some would argue the flood of “refugees” into Europe (and now the Ukraine) are a result of the endless, no-win Neocon wars.
Levin says Keane is America’s strategic analyst. While I think Keane is very intelligent, knowledgeable and likeable as a person there are other strategic analysts with insight. I was a Strategic Army Intelligence Analyst (echelons above corps). At Keane’s level in the military, he’s undoubtedly as much a skilled politician as a tactician and strategic thinker.
Levin said it was evil and un-American to not arm Ukraine. Yet, he doesn’t have the balls to call Trump evil and un-American for his policy of cutting off weapons to Ukraine, to get them to the peace table. Why? Because it might cost him something. So, he plays Dennis Prager-caliber political gymnastics.
No. You don’t know what Putin’s ambitions are, gentlemen. I can show you analysts who think differently. If you feel so strongly about it then you should be advocating for a military draft in the United States to prepare for WWIII because that’s probably what we’re talking about.
Again, Putin is an ex-KGB villain. We all know that. Zelensky’s also a villain kidnapping people off the streets and throwing them on the front line. VP Vance said this to Zelensky’s face. Yet, you two Neocons keep pushing the same line and Zelensky refused to confess to the kidnappings. Unacceptable.
I can make a better case that Putin’s ambitions are a revival of the Soviet Union than you can. Go to my “Opinion and Analysis” Read this (click here): Trevor Louden on Why We Should Support Ukraine + My Thoughts