Dear Jesus, please heal Pope Francis from his physical ailments, but if you don’t thy will be done.

More importantly, please heal Francis from his moral and spiritual errors and the damage he has done by embracing, even in implicitly, the false gospels of hate and misanthrope known as Marxism and Globalism. But if you don’t, thy will be done.

Please let him also repent of his moral errors and encourage others to also repent in cooperation with free will in the eternal plan of salvation for souls. But if you don’t, thy will be done.

Judge him you must, as you will judge us all, but free him from his temptation to put social justice above the Social Kingship of Christ and temporal matters before spiritual imperatives of the Church, even to his very last breath. But if you don’t, they will be done.



“I used to think that the Lord performs miracles only in response to the prayers of saints. Now, however, I have come to understand that the Lord also works miracles in response to the prayer of a sinner, as long as their soul is humble. For the Lord listens to the prayers of a person who has learned humility.”

-St. Silouan the Athonite