If America seizes Gaza, Israel (Jews) and Palestinians (Mostly Muslims, some Christians) can’t lay claim to it and America can manage it. If Israel claims the land they would go against American hegemony…and lose the the propaganda war. Likewise, for the Palestinians.

If Israel really wanted the land given to the Palestinians – and the Palestinians can’t manage it because they can’t get along with Jews – then there should be ZERO problems with America having it because we’re not ideologically opposed to Israel and can manage it while posing no threat.

Plus, we get the offshore gas and oil transport to finance the rebuilding of Gaza. If Israel opposed us, they’d be opposing us on financial grounds (right to the resources) and not ideological grounds. This would put us on a hostile footing against Israel. This would expose any mercenary intentions on their part.

Trump is Dividing the baby…

Whether or not you agree to it fundamentally, is another matter. There are all kinds of side issues at play. Savage brings some Real Politik for consideration. America would be a sitting duck, again, in the Middle East at a time when many think we should be extracting ourselves from the dangerous quagmire.

It sounds like it’s up to the Muslims to decide on a homeland for the Palestinians, their brothers and sisters in faith. Whether the Palestinians can get along and integrate sounds like a Muslim issue…not really our business.