This fact that this general cannot make common sense distinctions between a global villain, mass murderer like Hitler and a freedom-loving president like Trump is an indication that his basic value judgments are warped. He’s definitely drinking the CNN, MSNBC ideological Kool-Aid and parroting the official party line.

How has that interview aged, Hodges, now that Trump has won and even the fine purveyors of the Hitler/fascist fallacy – Mika and Joe – want to tone down the rhetoric and establish some detente?

In other words, he and his moronic general friends are obviously unfit for command and probably the reason our current military is so f-cked up and can’t even meet basic recruiting or retention goals. Call it lack of leadership and misplaced discernment–on steroids!

This guy also thinks the January 6th protest was some huge and terrible assault against democracy. This low-watt lightbulb is a CNN regular and favorite of the Libs.

But not a word about the invasion of the US by millions of illegal alien criminals, degenerates and possible terrorists, General Hodges?

Tear these deluded, incompetent, Democrat party loyalist subversives from the military like rotten teeth–1800s style: using no anesthetic and a pair of rusty pliers. Utilize military intelligence – counterintelligence specifically – at the company level on up to achieve it.

In my opinion, guys like Hodges are hostile to the order, stability, esprit de corpse (Freudian slip, but an apt metaphor for our dying military), morale and unit cohesion of the military. Especially since a majority of the enlistees – the common men and women – support Trump and detest careerist, go-along-to-get-along, “Woke” Generals like Hedgehog and company.

This guys sounds worse than an Affirmative Action, DEI hire postal worker. And about as qualified…