CFR = Council on Foreign Relations
Who died and made the CFR king? Who voted these clowns into power or at least the ones with a monopoly over foreign policy thinking?
I find their lack of allegiance to their own particular countries and willingness to submit the concept of a nation state to a supra-nationalist bureaucracy as morally superior a bit one-sided. Not all countries share the same values. Some, like the United States, have superior values to others.
I know there are members of the US military that also belong to the CFR.
This CFR fellow is merely parroting the consensus of the Globalists. She’s delusional. Who are they to dictate to the United States that we should tie our fate to a corrupt, authoritarian Ukraine–a non-NATO member? What’s in it for us? Democracy? Give me a break!
Democracy to the Globalists means a socialist bureaucracy, not a republic. Ukraine is far from a democracy and the Ukrainians by a majority are in favor of ending the war.
You know what? I’m sick of the CFR – empowered by their kissing cousin Neocons – and their insane Globalist, uni-polar-world demands that have brought the globe to the brink of nuclear war. One of the main reasons Russia went to war was to stop Ukraine from becoming a NATO member and having missile platforms (defensive/offensive) on their border.
Trump will negotiate an agreement that takes into account the legitimate concerns of nuclear superpower Russia. Enough of the tail wagging the dog…
Perhaps Trump can start a new organization to counter the Globalist, anti-nationalist propaganda of the CFR. Call it the Council on National Relations, or something along those lines.
One that advocates for the preservation of a multipolar world that respects the identity and dignity of the nation state, and best qualities of each, while rejecting the Liberal consensus that so-called “Liberal Democracy” (i.e. Marxism, socialism, technocracy) as the pinnacle of sociopolitical-economic achievement and human evolution.