We won’t miss it…
After all, self-deportation – in the face of the quest to make America great again – is a reflection of the suicidal Liberal impulse; say, for instance, destroying the social order of the country that gave them so much – albeit, a lesser one.
Neurotic self-preservation – via the urge to self-deport – is the instinctual reflex of the mercenary political activist against inevitable public backlash. It resides abundantly in the Hollywood entertainer class, who sacrifice nothing for what they supposedly value and flee like the devil at any hint of public resistance to the Liberal nonsense they incessantly profess.
It didn’t take Schwarzenegger long to backtrack on his “screw your freedom!” statement when the legitimately concerned public objected to his dangerous COVID vax or bust propaganda. He knows who ultimately butters his action movie bread.
After all, they are creatures beholden to popularity – like a drug addict to crack – and the popular vote is clearly with President Trump. So, for the Liberal propagandists, it’s fight or flight. And most don’t really have any fight left in them. At least not the genuine “fight, fight, fight!” of a Donald J. Trump.
So let the games begin. I’ll even hold the door open and hand them a box lunch on the way out: they can choose between a can of Friskies Buffett or Gravy Train.