Make No Mistake about It, This is the Re-Christianization of America and the Fight for Our Nation’s Soul.
The Restoration of Traditional Civic Morality and the Protection of Society’s Most Vulnerable Citizens is a Bold Step Forward…
In a Word, MAGA! [Please Read My Analysis of Mentally Disordered Liberals & Cultural Marxists Below the Video]
It basically comes down to incompatible world views: Christian vs. the Neo-Pagan: the super-naturalistic vs. the naturalistic. Revealed religion vs. the disordered, situational religion of self as god: in mind, body and spirit.
In other words, self worship – and as an extension – the worship of the State as god. That is, rendering unto Caesar that which is God’s in mind, body and spirit.
And the implications are serious, chaotic and ultimately destructive.
A mentally disordered Liberal is anxious and uneasy with what he sees around him and gets emotionally upset by the actions of others that he feels to be homophobic, racist, bigoted, sexist, inequitable, nativist, or whatever (and the list is growing).
He is easily triggered and perpetually angry because he doesn’t have a mechanism of internal self-control over his negative thoughts and emotions. The more ideologically possessed he is by his false values and judgments, the more intense and unbalanced are his thoughts and feelings. Especially if he’s been indoctrinated into Marxist social justice theory. For him, America is simply too white, Christian, male and unfair.
Therefore he must control others as a substitute for self-control to feel better since he believes them to be the source of is internal discord. He thinks with his feelings and makes emotionally-based value judgments and decisions. Some might argue he has a feminized Superego.
Feelings of discontent and anger are OK when they are directed towards preserving what is good, just and healthy for society, even to the point of war. It certainly led to the American War of Independence from British oppression and the creation of our Constitutional Republic. So, it’s OK to hate that which is bad and destructive, especially towards innocent children.
Instinctual aversions to evil and injustice are good. Hence, traditional civic morality was always focused on promoting virtue and restraining vice and where it failed it ultimately corrected itself. Oftentimes at great cost, as during the Civil War. Unfortunately, civic morality has been stood on its head and inverted towards opposite aims: namely uncivilized immorality.
The Marxist religion – that is the State as god – substitutes a distorted world view, secular metaphysics and false set of morals from our Christian-based Western values, social structures and way of life, which have been historically revised and redefined as oppressive. In this sense it is alien to the American experience and constitutes an existential threat.
Thus, traditional views on behaviors like homosexuality and even pedophilia are viewed as outdated, wrong and even hateful, so the program to de-Christianize and de-nationalize America is well underway and has been for decades. We’re now in the late stages of divide and conquer. Either one side or the other will triumph or we’ll both go down the black hole together. Each world view is irreconcilable and cancels each other out. Unity is impossible.
The opposite of wrong is right. Hence, the opposite of homosexual sex (i.e. love) is hate. Traditional moral values are equated with hate and hate is wrong, so morality is wrong and love is right. And love is love, right? So any love is good love. Therefore teach your children to love anything, everything and everyone and not to hate. And never judge others (that is discern right from wrong) because it’s all good!
The Liberal fails to come to terms with the reality that he hates the restrictions placed on his behavior by traditional values and negatively projects his hate on to Christianity as the source of his own passionate dislike. His condemns traditional morality because traditional morality condemns his behavior.
Hence, to regulate his negative feelings and emotions, he attempts to change society to fit his disordered mind. This even extends to what is legal and illegal. What is legal is moral; hence, abolish the law, or at least ignore it – the moral law included – and you’re good to go. And at worst, selectively enforce the law against your enemies, like Trump, and give the others – your Liberal allies – a free pass since it’s for the Marxist cause (por la causa).
If the mentally disordered Liberal feels America’s immigration laws are oppressive and immoral he acts passionately to right the perceived wrongs. Hence to compensate for the perceived social injustice, he ignores the law, says our immigration system is broken and opens the southern border to millions of sick, criminal, mentally ill and hostile illegal alien invaders. Even forcing Americans to subsidize their expensive, free-welfare-benefits lifestyle, despite homeless veterans destitute and living on the streets and America going bankrupt.
Thus, he feels better about himself and his social conscience (a poor substitute for his moral conscience) is assuaged, even though he’s an immoral degenerate–according to traditional standards of behavior. Armed with his trusty, collectivist moral compass, he never wavers in his blind allegiance to core Liberal values while walking what he believes to be the true path, the wide path–that leads to the big tent circus and theater of the absurd that America has become.
As long as he’s stamping out injustice and oppression, while trampling on rights of the oppressor like the grapes of wrath, it’s OK. In this sense he is a passionate absolutist, without a doubt. A true believer never lacking faith in the cult of Liberalism and it’s Culture of Death. Abortion and euthanasia are merely lifestyle, or rather death-style personal choices. Besides, manmade global warming is a function of overpopulation so the moral imperative is to thin the human herd by any means. If it means jumping off a cliff with the other brainless Lemmings, then so be it.
As external reality – society – conforms more and more to the distorted contours of the disordered, Liberal mind it becomes more chaotic and destructive in its social, political and economic asymmetry. If traditional morality is exclusive and undemocratic, then its opposite, disorder and chaos are the preferred democratic substitutes. Besides, they say you can’t legislate morality and there is, after all, a separation between Church and state.
It’s current reductio ad absurdum has been to make Easter Sunday National Transsexual Visibility Day to compensate for the undemocratic monopoly Christians have over the period. Besides, a non-binary day belonging to both Caesar and Christ is more egalitarian: a day that you can render to both God and Caesar! For, the State as god is also a jealous god and will have no other gods before it–much less the God of the Christian Bible. Thus, the sacred is forced to occupy a position with the profane in the name of diversity, equity and inclusion.
Hence, the futile quest to re-order society – based on the disordered, Liberal mind wedded to the belief in the powerful State as god to direct others (where have we seen this before?) – is a substitute for self-control by men acting as gods to assuage their warped conscience and exact justice. In reality, every healthy individual and institution must submit itself to something higher than itself – be it authentic love, truth, justice, etc. – or it is apt to go mad, and usually does.
For America it is the recognition that inalienable rights come from God and not the State because any State big enough to grant you your rights is big enough to take them away. But also, civil rights for civil wrongs is a dangerous substitute for authentic human rights. And don’t forget the onslaught against freedom of conscience as Biden continues to assault the national consciousness with one moral indignity and legal outrage after another.
Regulating the internal pain and conflict caused by a belief system alien to America’s values – through controlling others instead of one’s self, or seeking to transform those values into something they are not – is authoritarian, destructive and insane. It’s certainly not democratic, since nobody seems to have voted on it. M. Scott Peck, MD defined sanity as “the adherence to reality at all costs.” Sometimes the cost can be very high. Madness is no substitute for sanity and the cost of regaining the high ground lost to the low-down sociopaths – that is, the morally insane – can be more than society can bear.
The latest manifestation of craziness is soldiers being forced to adopt the language of the Marxist oppressors in having to refer to a man pretending to be a woman – or vice versa – by his/her preferred pronoun. The cost is that people are voting with their feet and leaving the Woke military. It’s gotten so bad the Army is asking recent retirees to return. A military with poor morale, unit cohesion and esprit de corps is an ineffective military. An ineffective military is a national security disaster waiting to happen.
As objective reality is forced to submit to the dictates of subjective relativity chaos ensues. Why? Because truth cannot emerge from a lie, life from death and something from nothing, except in the mind of a nihilist. The clash of Liberal emotionally-based value judgments and decisions with a moral universe of being results in a big bang indeed! Often seen in revolutionary violence and war as nature itself attempts to restore equilibrium to the moral vacuum Liberalism has created.
Liberalism is a mental disorder. And a suicidal one at that.