Not sure what it means…perhaps, like most dreams, nothing at all. However…

However, this wasn’t a crossbow dream, It was a bow and arrow nightmare.

I’ll try to remember some of the pertinent details but it was very short and I don’t want to embellish it with my imagination.

I was in a big room where they were selling stuff, perhaps an auction hall with high open ceilings – like a Sam’s Club or Costco. A lot of people were walking around looking at the various items.

I walked up to a guy holding a big, wooden bow which he was showing off. The wood was pretty thick and darkish. He said it was an ancient Chinese military weapon, if I am correct.

Then he did something interesting: he folded it up, showing me how it had hinges to collapse, then he unfolded it again to its full size. It was pretty big, impressive and old looking. Perhaps the bolts holding the hinges were copper, brass or something like that.

Then he did something startling: he said something, put an arrow in the bow, quickly aimed it up and out towards the ceiling of the crowded hall, pulled back the bow and let the arrow fly…

It shot up like a rocket at an angle and looked like it hit either the top corner of the wall near where the roof intersects the ceiling or the ceiling itself. I believe the arrow was white.

It quickly ricocheted down towards the crowd about 15 feet in front of the guy who shot it.

I looked on in horror realizing what had happened and that it likely struck someone, which it did.

I quickly maneuvered between the people toward the area where the arrow had struck with a sinking feeling in my chest.

What I saw left me awestruck in sadness: I looked down…and a little innocent girl had been struck from behind: the arrow entered her upper back: at an angle and appeared to have come out her lower abdomen area. I think the the tip of the arrow was stuck in the ground and the feathers were sticking out of her back. That she was she was actually impaled on the thing.

It was the frozen look of pain, sorrow, sadness and loss on her face that transfixed me, as if an arrow had also been stuck into my heart. I realized she realized, in horror, her unimaginable predicament and that she was about to die.

Her face was petrified in shock: eyes and mouth wide open, her eyebrows frozen as is she were asking a question. If she could speak I think the words that would have come out of her mouth would be “why? why me?”

I turned to the man who shot the arrow and said to him with sorrow, anger and disgust: you just killed somebody. There was nothing I could do. She was beyond saving. I turned away from the sight for my own sanity…

That’s it. That’s the dream…

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