In Christianity I believe one isn’t supposed to chase or attempt to conjure omens. To not seek them. Divination: card reading, fortune telling, etc. is prohibited because the human mediator can be mislead by an evil spirit.

Natural signs, dreams, visions and events are another matter but have to be approached correctly as both literal (as in the case of some visions), metaphors, synchronicities and in context of the morality of religion and the zeitgeist. Jesus mentioned the signs of the end of the world and what to look for.

Carl Jung wrote about signs, symbols and synchronicities. In the context of personal healing, these have been noted as “artifacts of wholeness.” Minor miracles, even.

As a matter of fact, the Bible is replete with signs and symbols. They convey much meaning. After all, a picture is worth a thousands words.

“According to the biblical account, the Magi, also known as wise men, saw a star in the east that signified the birth of Jesus Christ. The…celestial phenomenon…served as a sign or omen for the Magi.”

When Christ was baptized and came out of the water, he saw a dove descending which landed on him…

Good owl story with layered imagery & meaning. There’s probably deeper moral and spiritual connotation attached to it. It may be on a personal, intuitional level rather than on a purely rational one.

I looked out the back window last week and saw that my cat had captured a Mourning Dove on the lawn and was about to kill and eat it.

I opened the door to the Arizona Room, ran out back and wrested the the bird gently from the predatory claws and fangs of the resisting, growling cat. Undoubtedly, she was lying patently in wait, stalking the hapless game.

I could see there was no blood and her wings didn’t appear broken, so I gave the bird a gentle shove, released her into the air. She flew off quickly making desperate bird noises.

When injured in the wild, birds don’t make any sound indicating they’re in pain, so as not to alert predators they’re helpless prey. This must take great effort and willpower on the part of the debilitated creature.

St. Francis of Assisi spoke to/with the animals.

I talk to my pets & treat them like brothers & sisters…

Owl and Mourning Dove: