Please don’t call me anti-Semitic, for Moses’ sake. And without discounting all the good that Jews have done, especially in the areas of science and medicine…

I’m not sure I believe in Prager’s differentiation between Libs and the Left. I know a lot, a majority even, of Jews are Lib Leftists. I can’t help but think he’s trying to get them off the hook for their sh*tty policies, say on abortion, that have helped wreck this society, Weimar Republic-style.

I know Alan Dershowitz is leaving the Dem party and he’s one of Dennis’ examples of a Lib versus a Leftist, but if you could see Dershowitz’ full voting record on all the issue over his entire lifespan, I believe they would fall under the category of Lib-Leftist-Progressive. Of course, people can and do change…

Prager tried to get Zuckerberg off the hook for Facebook’s Lib-Left insanity and censorship by saying it was the software engineers and tech guys that were doing the dirty work, out of Zuck’s control. I say BS! Zuckerschmuck never stood up in the heat of battle, during the time it mattered, and said Facebook had been hijacked.

If you look at the full picture of who Libs have traditionally voted for and what other issues they’ve supported they’re historically on the progressive Left more than on the conservative Right.

Yes, we know of the Classical Liberals and liberty. But the Libs never complained their movement was hijacked by the Left. The Left vs. Liberal dichotomy seems like a largely fabricated invention. Say, like the Sino-Soviet split.

The Lib-Progressives never suggested they were wholly separate and distinct from the Left.

The Founding Fathers didn’t want the state to choose one Christian denomination over another, not an absence of Christianity from government and the public square (civic morality). They prayed to the Christian God before making important government decisions as a matter of convention. It was axiomatic and a self-evident truth.

Some of the Founding Fathers were Christians, and some were deists (a Christian sect). But they knew, absent a moral population the Constitution would be inverted an perverted to serve the interests of an immoral majority, affluent elite and corporate and banking interests. They never envisioned a “Government-Media Complex” or a “Military-Industrial Complex.”

Hence, their disdain for pure democracy and the advent of a Constitutional Republic to safeguard what was right, just and moral over the madness of crowds. Witness the mass formation psychosis over the COVID vax and “pandemic of the unvaccinated” rhetoric coming out of the Lib-Left Biden Regime.

So, the Lib Left has lied and skewered the intent of the Founding Fathers that the Constitution was meant for a moral, Christian nation into the historical inaccuracy that only a secular government free of moral restraint and “bias” can govern fairly and equitably.

In other words, the misconception that “you can’t legislate morality” is not true. You can’t legislate without it, since laws of prohibition on dangerous and destructive behaviors are moral laws.

Victor Frankl wanted a Statue of Responsibility on the West Coast as a moral offset to the Statue of Liberty on the East Coast. Boy was he right…

So was Michael Savage in saying “Liberalism is a mental disorder.”

And a suicidal one at that…

I’ll stick to my observation that Dennis Prager is an expert at Moral Gymnastics. But I don’t know if it necessarily brings us any closer to clarity and ethical truth. Excessively splitting hairs via philosophical fragmentation can lead one to mistake the moral trees for the ethical forest.

Society does not exist in cross-sections…