1. Close the borders: Well, Trump always talks about the border. It’s a capital point. As a matter of fact, his illegal alien chart saved his life during the shooting. He looked over at it just at the right time…and turned his head away from the grazing bullet. US Troops on the border is good. Yes. My great grandfather came to America too, on my father’s side. He was blown up in a Pennsylvania coal mining explosion at the tender age of 39. On my mom’s side, we had relatives that fought in the Civil War.
  2. English Only: Well that’s good once he gets into office but it’s not a campaigning point that hits home when there are bigger fish to fry like “jobs, jobs, jobs.” Especially with all the “newcomers” who’ll vote but cannot read an English ballot.
  3. Reduce the Size of the Gov’t: Well I take it Savage means the federal government because Trump doesn’t control the large city, county and state government apparatuses across the land. He might lose some union support if he’s too flagrant about this and doesn’t go about it in a stealthier way. Do it, yes. But making firing large numbers of government workers a platform piece so starkly might backfire. Target the Deep State, beastly bureaucracy, red-tape regulations and Department of Education as talking points.
  4. Oil for Illegals: Sounds good on paper but it’s a legal and logistical nightmare. Reducing Mexico’s profits from oil might actually hurt their economy and drive more Mexican economic refugees into America looking for work. So the potential gains might be lost and offset by more illegals fleeing sh*tty economic conditions in Mex. Also, it might be seen internationally as extortion, since so many millions of illegals are untracked and unaccounted for. Why not go after all the countries with illegals then? By the time you actually got usable numbers Trump might be halfway through his admin. But it’s a creative idea nonetheless. Threatening foreign aid to Mex might be more effective.
  5. Anchor Babies: Yes! Great idea. Jump through the legal hoops and make it happen!
  6. Export Jailed Illegal Aliens First: Yes! Get the scummiest of the scummy and most dangerous out first!
  7. Use Religious Profiling to Stop Terror Attacks: Well, the Biden Regime is doing it: conservative and Traditional Catholics are now the enemy of Democracy. Why? They’re anti-Marxist. Can you target Muslim radicals legally? Ethically you can.
  8. Take off the Shackles of the Restrictive Military Rules of Engagement: I agree. But be a little more specific as to what rules you’re talking about and when and how they hamper military effectiveness. You don’t want another Mai Lai. One size does not fit all units and all conflicts.
  9. Modernize and Equip the Military: Sounds good. Find the money. More is spent on the national deficit now then on the defense budget. And it’s getting worse by the day.
  10. Pay Raises for Active Duty Combat Troops: Well they already get combat pay, but any soldier could definitely use a pay bump for their dangerous, priceless service and sacrifice.
  11. Silence the Hitlers of Iran: Stopping Iranian “hate speech” on US soil might work if you target actual Iranian citizens stirring up shit with their wild speech. But, if you target Iranian Americans with “hate speech” laws, expect the Christians and Jews to be next. As in, “when they came for the Iranian American free-speechers I did nothing…when they came for me, there was no one left to defend me.”
  12. Blockade Iran’s Harbors with the US Military: OK. So, basically, declare war on Iran, economically? Much like we did prior to WWII by cutting off Japan’s oil and forcing their hand? Why risk another war in the Middle East? Sounds like a shitty deal. Let Israel do it with a coalition of willing Middle East nations. We can lend moral support, perhaps some weapons too…if Israel pays us for them.
  13. Impose Tariffs on China: Trump did that and has spoken about that. Yes, the Globalists and free-trade pimps won’t like it, but like they say, “f*ck ’em!”
  14. Institute a Flat Tax: Sounds interesting. End the Inheritance tax. Sounds good.
  15. Reduce Pay and Pensions for Civil Servants: Well, if you reduce the pay and pension for Maricopa County Workers, which is pretty low by national standards, half the employees would probably walk and nothing would get done. It might work in overpaid California, though.
  16. Tax Credits for Married Couples and Children: Sounds good. Does it apply to married gay couples who adopt kids? That would certainly offend Trump’s conservative base. I wouldn’t like to subsidize the death of the traditional family and adoption of children by homosexuals. If you made it hetero only, you’d be accused of discrimination.
  17. End Abortion Except in Case the Life of the Mother is Threatened: Well that’s certainly better than the current policy of abortion on demand. However, the Catholic (and right point of view) is NO ABORTION EVER! Yep. It’s that radically pro life. And so am I.
  18. Norplant/Forced contraception for Welfare Cases? Sounds quite Orwellian and against Christian anti-contraception ethics. Why not force them to get a Covid vaccine too if you’re going to go that far? The potential for abuse is too high. Remember, Michael, the Paul Revere Society, which you founded, had resistance to imposed vaccines as one of its pillars. I get your point but what if good, Christian women fell through the cracks economically during these hard times and needed welfare? Would they, too, have to succumb to draconian forced contraception against their freedom of moral and religious conscience? Many married Catholics still have large families.
  19. Prevent Planned Parenthood from Getting Taxpayer Funds: Great!

OK. You all get it. Finish the video to the end to catch all of Savage’s suggestions.

There’s some solid points in Michael’s plan and a few that I don’t think would be universally accepted on moral grounds or that are economically unfeasible.

In the end, not all of these points can be articulated by Trump in the limited amount of time he has to rally the “on-the-fence” and independent voters. There are just too many points to communicate in such a short amount of time…and mean it. Trump would have to deliver on his promises and some of Michael’s suggestions are just not doable without major shits in perception and policy, not to mention legality.

I still think the motto “Help is on the way!” is a good one.

Trump can show where the Biden-Harris Regime has failed and ensure Americans “Help is on the way!”

A large portion of America is living paycheck to paycheck under the failed policies of Biden and Harris but I assure you help is on the way!

Are you tired of out of control crime and having to get a clerk to go shopping with you and open locked doors to get a can or hairspray or bottle of whiskey? Help is on the way.

Tired of giving half your paycheck to the government because of run amok taxes and profligate government spending on programs that don’t benefit legal citizens? Help is on the way?

Live in a state overrun by illegal aliens draining the social welfare system and increasing crime and urban blight? Help is on the way!

Sick of sending billions of dollars to Ukraine and other foreign countries while our own cities are falling apart? Help is on the way?

Can’t afford to send your kids to daycare because you lost your job or are working two jobs to make ends meet? Help is on the way!

Sick of men beating up women in competition sports? Help is on the way!

You get the point.

Keep it simple! As in job, jobs, jobs. Drill for oil. Stop the wars. Help the struggling Americans.

Help. Is. on. The. Way.

The end…