Try meditation instead: meditating on Jesus, who is the light of the world.

Not smoking dope, navel gazing and pretending your egoic false self is your enlightened, true self and you’re some kind of advanced spiritual being.

Any materialistic, self-indulgent egoist can masquerade as an angel of light…

You’re a fan of the communist revolutionary Che Guevara?

Like the Beatles say, “…if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao
you ain’t gonna make it with anyone anyhow.”

You think the Bible should be re-written to suit your false spirituality? Well, you’re in good company, so do the communist Chinese.

I like some of your music but glorifying dope gives no one any hope. Try sobriety and Centering Prayer.

Start there…

You say you’re Mexican? Mexican or Mexican-American? Because if you’re Mexican and don’t have your proper papers I’m going to suggest our next president, Donald J. Trump, deport your azz for the good and sobriety of our Bible-believing, wholesome, Republican, conservative, Church-going citizens.
