American Psycho Gavin Newsom is unknown East of the Mississippi. He’s going to get steamrolled by Trump if he enters the octagon of presidential politics…at this time.

He’s also a sh*tty, airhead debater besides being a failed governor. He’s like a smoother, Left-wing version of Mike Pence. Besides the forced smile and calculated gesticulations, there’s simply no inner “there” there. Hence, he lacks soul and emanates sociopathic vibes.

He’s a product, like Kamala Harris, of rich, California donor families. The great, white, Wonder Bread hope whose time has not yet come. Though it may if he gets into better political athletic condition.

There’s more to politics than a pearly-white smile and hair gel. If Governor Hair Gel doesn’t understand this, he soon will: reality will impose itself against his delusional narcissism.

Savage thinks otherwise, but I don’t believe Newsom can be whipped into national shape in time to take on the Juggernaut that is MAGA & Co.

I hope they throw Newsom out there. He’ll get shredded by Trump. Trump will make him look like a punk.

Plus, Americans have had enough of psycho politicians for a while. Call it an instinctual aversion to professional BS’ers honed by the harsh realities of the high cost of a gallon of milk, pound of butter and loaf of Wonder Bread.