Isn’t saying you’re anti-Semitic if you’re anti-Zionist the same as saying you’re anti-Christian if you’re pro-Zionist?

Authentic Christianity says that Jesus is the Messiah. Zionism works to hasten the coming of the messiah, who is not Christ.

I reject the coming of the Zionist Jewish messiah because I would have to reject Jesus as the Messiah. Does that make me anti-Semitic? Really, the Second Coming of Christ is the return of the Jewish Messiah but I don’t think Zionists believe this as an article of faith.

Political Zionism is rejected by many Jews. Many Jews simply don’t care. Are they anti-Semitic too?

Seems ridiculous and unwise to conflate the two. Would Jesus be a Zionist? I doubt it.

He could have accepted the Devil’s offer of the kingdoms of the earth and become the leader of the earthly Zionist movement, had he only fallen down and worshipped the Devil. But Jesus realized power is a devilish pursuit and left selling his soul to those that wanted money, fame and power, of which there have been, are and will be many more foolish takers.

Savage quotes MLK as pro-Zionist but I don’t think MLK really thought it out in traditional Christian terms and ethics, but more along the lines of Leftist socio-political activism of the time. A sort of variation of Marxist Liberation Theology if you will.

Wouldn’t it be better to articulate why Christians should reject the Jesus of the New Testament and adopt the world view that the Jewish messiah to come is the answer than to put a majority of Conservative Christians into the category of haters?

Seems awfully Liberal to me…

Saying you’re anti-Semitic if you’re anti-Zionist is like saying you’re anti-Catholic if you’re anti-Pope Francis.

I think the better option is to accept what is good in Zionism, differentiate between political Zionism and spiritual Zionism, and reject those parts that conflict with authentic Christianity, if you’re a Christian.

As for fanatical elements of Islam, of which there are many, I don’t think there is much you can do to change their minds or hearts. They say they’re not anti-Semitic just anti-Zionist. But given their behavior and Koran, we know that statement to be suspect at best.

But don’t judge all anti-Zionists as in league with the Devil. People have legitimate moral reasons for opposing the utopian aspects of Zionism…like they do for rejecting the utopian aspects and aspirations of “Americanism.”

And no, the Talmud is not the Old Testament, that’s the Torah. But we understand what you were trying to say.

With all due respect, as always man…