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Dugin is starting to sound oddly like Nick Fuentes in his admiration of the Chinese “system.” China is a culturally wrecked, authoritarian regime gentlemen. Some might even call it fascistic, albeit left-wing.

At 10:32 he says in selling out to global capitalism they are betraying their socialist and communist ideals. So, he’s advocating for communist ideals? Communist Ideals are anti-Christian ideals. That is, the state is God, man is an evolved animal and is subservient to the all-powerful bureaucracy and central planners.

Dugin, more than anyone else, knows this. Sounds like he’s desperate for a power alliance against the West.

China is a godless, communist, pagan killing machine. It oppresses its own people, suppresses the Christian Church and jails political prisoners in labor camps like the old Gulag system did under the Soviet Union.

How about a similar cultural criticism of the pagan East that he gave to the degenerating West?

Where is Dugin’s moral appeal to the East for change? He seems to have shifted to pure pragmatic power-politics in his hatred of the West… It was the corrupt Western Globalists that sold America out and built up Red China into the “success” story it is now. Including their mighty military machine, with dual-use technology.

Don’t get lost in ideology and hatred Dugin. Russia’s values are more in line with the traditional West, Christendom, than the pagan East.

PS: Dugin is starting to resemble more Karl Marx than Alexander Solzhenitsyn…

Was Anatoly Golitsyn right in “New Lies for Old” that the openness of Russia was a giant ruse to trap the West. After all, Putin is old school KGB.

The collective West, it seems, if pretty good at destroying itself without the aid of the communist juggernaut threatening its existence.

And the global chess game of deception and deceit continues…