Note: No dishonor of Michael Savage as the Founding Father of the Savage Nation is intended, where spirited debate is warranted.

Through the pretense of democracy or a glitch in the system, we now live in a society where what is democratic – and culturally acceptable – usually comes from the top down, not the bottom or grassroots up. That is, it is determined for us and then reinforced by the mainstream, corporate media as socially acceptable or a consensus view. We do not vote for it.

Though the following topics have been beat to death and the cultural barbarians have obviously already entered the gates of Rome, all is not lost.

Throwing in the towel is never the best option since the tides of history do ebb and flow for good as well as evil, as seen in the recent reversal of Roe V. Wade–but only when good men do something.

That is, we must actively participate in the battle for basic societal decency: Savage’s “Borders, language and CULTURE.” Not a Puritanical quest, but a basic sense of self-preservation through a dedicated defense of common-sense civic morality against the current wave of nihilism sweeping society.

The spectacle of a grown man identifying as a nine-year-old girl or “Furry” while being egged on by the media should be enough to convince anyone that pathological “rugged individualism” without cultural moorings or consequence is a trainwreck indeed. Not to mention the current fashion of mutilating children in gender reassignment surgeries.

Therefore, we should be both compassionate and militant. In a Christians sense, the word is charitable. But it doesn’t necessarily mean what it sounds like. Charity is not giving everything away or giving in to ultra-tolerance to keep the peace, win elections or because everyone seems to be doing it.

Like my mom used to say, “If everyone jumped off a bridge, would you do it?”

Charity, like the living flame of love, is dynamic not static: It has two components: light and heat. The light of the truth wedded to the heat of moral action and consequence.

Though not pro-abortion on demand, Savage has described himself as a sexual libertine. This definitely is not a traditional-conservative cultural position, though it may win votes. Being pro-abortion wins votes for some but it’s not a traditional-conservative cultural position. Perhaps sexual libertinism falls somewhere between revolutionary and utopian, or selfishness and irresponsibility on the narcissistic continuum. It’s certainly not Biblical if one considers that not a sparrow can fall from the sky without God knowing it.

However, what happens between consenting adults is their business in a free society. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Perhaps what happens in the bedroom should stay in the bedroom. I certainly don’t want to know…as long as it’s legal. But I don’t want people doing it in the road either.

However, even the cultural bedrock of legality, especially with regard to exploiting children, is shifting like sand. So, obviously there must be objective limits placed on subjective behavior: borders to protect the vulnerable from the slithering dissolution of a common, moral lingua franca by the snakes in the radical Left. We must not allow them to redefine the meaning of “borders, language, culture” to mean gated communities for the elite, many languages and multi-cultural.

Acceptance (tolerance) of widespread homosexuality and abortion as cultural norms is alien to Biblically-based Western Civilization: both Old Testament and New. In fact, one could say from a Biblical perspective they fall under the heading of The Culture of Death (Physically, morally and spiritually). Certainly, they aren’t ideals even from a purely biological perspective, though now more socially acceptable through cultural conditioning and mass media persuasion. Some might even say brainwashing and grooming.

If you haven’t figured it out by now, the ethos of homosexuality, as it is practiced, is by its nature is in stark contrast to the traditional family: both in its structure – man/woman/child – and in its ethos.

About the most one could argue in the moral ambit is that a steady, monogamous homosexual relationship is better (certainly healthier) than a promiscuous one. But it still falls short of the ideal.

From a traditional perspective, the purpose of marriage is predominantly to have children. The predominant purpose of sex is also to have children since that is predominantly how you have children. Obviously, gays can’t have children, except by pro-creative gymnastics and adoption. Sure, adoption is legal but how moral is it…from a traditional perspective? Some say two gay parents is better than one straight parent, abusive parents or no parents at all. But are they? Says whom?

The Bible says honor thy father and mother, not thy father and father or mother and mother. Honoring the Founding Fathers of America would seem to fall under this salubrious commandment.

If you are a traditional-minded, practical conservative you want the balance of cultural power to tip in favor of the traditional-family. This ideal prevents the moral herd immunity of society from slipping toward wide acceptance of the novel and trendy, which these days appears to be psycho-sexually-pathological.

Just look at the media-focused, transgender madness assaulting the national conscience with images of twerking trannies in front of innocent children almost on a daily basis. Is this healthy for the traditional family, the building block of society?

If gay sex is as moral and normal as apple pie, mom and Chevrolet then you must necessarily accept that traditional Western Civilization was wrong, is mistaken. Then comes the whole Marxist desire to correct all of those societal wrongs, abuses, original sins (Social Injustices). Society must now make amends and reparations for its past and present social injustices, which leads to a societal re-engineering, from top-to-bottom. The minority victim now becomes the victor; the majority oppressor the oppressed.

Hence, the moral inversion we are seeing now in America as the Woke Marxists – professed, unacknowledged or unwitting – seek to remold society in their Global-Socialist, transsexual and ultimately transhumanist and post-human image. Because that’s where the current of history in an amoral, globally-managed and hyper-legalistic society is taking us.

If homosexuality is morally equivalent to heterosexuality the Culture War is over and the traditional-conservatives are the defeated bad guys. Equivalent to the South at the end of the Civil War.

You will have to accept the gay community – big tent style – in all of its inevitable pathological manifestations, including the grooming of children…until pedophilia becomes the norm. Where it ends is anyone’s guess. But a good one is any of the various, high-tech forms of The Gulag Archipelago.

The evisceration of sexuality and morality is the abolition of Western Culture. Any attempts at its peaceful reintegration could only be viewed by the Woke, Marxist mobs as anti-democratic, a social injustice and hate crime. Perhaps even a thought crime to even conceive of it.

If we deny the light of traditional family values as a key to a healthy, prosperous society how will anyone come out of the darkness? Malachi Martin warned of a “dominant self-interest wedded to cultural desolation” that threatens to erase all of our accomplishments as a society and as catalysts for a “Moral Ice Age.” The encroaching abyss of a High-Tech Dark Age surely must be resisted by dedication to the truth wedded to responsible action.

Michael Savage propositioned that perhaps only prayer can save us now. Maybe he’s right…

Click Here for the Show: Should we be “compassionate” or “militant” conservatives? ⋆ The Savage Nation