“Klaus Schwab appears as a satanist oligarch in Malachi Martin’s 1996 book about New World Order top-level satanists attempting to destroy the Papacy and put the Vatican at the service of the NWO totalitarian regime…”
Father Martin, being a famous and educated Jesuit (three PhD’s) and former Vatican insider was privy to a lot of controversial, hidden info.
An unnamed person who was at the Luciferian enthronement ceremony/ritualistic child abuse event confessed to Fr. Martin on his death bed the facts surrounding the situation.
Klaus Schwab (Transhumanist, Globalist, Satanist) was at the ceremony.
The book was written as a roman a clef/faction to protect the names of the subversives.
Martin was prescient in naming Schwab as an important figure seeing he is now the head of the WEF den of globalist subversion.