Christian civilization vs. Globalism? The Old World Order vs. the New World Order? God vs. Satan?

So, on the one hand you have a Democratic congressman saying that the war against Russia is because they don’t support the “Woke,” Cultural Marxist agenda (Satanic?) of Transgenderism and unlimited gay rights.

On the other hand Russia is saying they’re fighting against the (Satanic?) anti-family, gay and Transhumanist agenda–to protect Russian Orthodox Church values and traditional civic morality.

Of course, the mainstream media – which supports the Woke, Cultural Marxist, gay and Transhumanist agendas of Globalism – would never admit this as a pretext for a proxy war against Russia because the American people are now conditioned to fight wars of “national liberation” (like the communists did during the Cold War under the proposed legitimacy of communist revolution) under the banner of freedom and democracy (which to the Libs means unlimited gay/trans rights, etc.).

Authentic religious wars and religious violence is of a different kind. The question is: is this a real one?

In this case Church and State are nearly one in Russia; hence, a threat against the state is a threat against the Church. This would suggest extreme measures, including, martyrdom, may be warranted in time of war to protect those values truly worth fighting and dying for.

If Russia is ready to die in a nuclear Masada to defend its perception of Christian civilization against a fate worse than death: homosexuality, transgenderism and satanic transhumanism the world has a big problem.

I don’t think this is understood by the deranged, godless, hell-bent, neo-Marxist and Globalist leaders in the West as they drag us kicking and screaming into their high-tech Dark Age and “Moral Ice Age.” To everyone’s peril…

Again, it’s not whether or not you and I think a NATO-ized Ukraine is an existential threat, but whether Russia believes it to be.

Consequently, it’s not whether or not you and I think it’s a real holy war but whether Russia (Russians) genuinely believe (faith) it is.

Article Claiming War Against Russia is for transgender/gay rights (against traditional Christian values)

Article Claiming War in Ukraine is against transgender/gay values (Satanism?)

Alexander Dugin is Putin’s #1 geo-strategist. His daughter was just assassinated; they were trying to get him. Here’s what he has to say about the Transhumanist, post-human New World Order emanating from the West: