Read the Writings of the WEF’s Klaus Schwab then Get Back to Us Weigel.
Was Malachi Martin a Conspiracy Theorist? Vigano and Martin speak from a position of faith, understanding and learning in these rarefied areas which few dare tackle, such as the “Superforce” (Church Deep State) and Luciferians & Satanists in the Vatican.
Was Vigano’s accusations of a Deep State coup against Trump a conspiracy theory?
Are you denying mainstream media propaganda, brainwashing and mass formation psychosis? Here’s one for you: “The co-founder of one of the world’s leading ‘fact checker’ organizations, which presents itself as a supreme authority on which sources of information can be trusted, labeled the now completely confirmed genuine Hunter Biden laptop story a “hoax.” In other words a conspiracy theory.
MEDIA MALPRACTICE: GOP Fumes Over Biden Cover Up, Calls for Probe Into Media, Big Tech Collusion
Do you even know who Soros is and what he finances?
If you want to pick apart Vigano on a few details or misstatements, while mistaking the forest for the trees, you’ll continue to miss the Gestalt…or misrepresent it while doing a disservice to your followers.
What say you of the New World Order Weigel? Of Transhumanism and post-humanism?
Are you up on the origins of the Covid pandemic, the eugenics actions of the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, the dangers of the MRNA vax and the misrepresentation of critical health facts by the government-media complex? Or is that a conspiracy theory too?
Come out of your ivory tower bubble and fight the New World Order…for chrissakes!
Revision your roadmap is painful. It would collapse your ego and leave you quite disoriented but clear thinking and seeing.
Vigano attempts to give input on difficult subjects. Weigel avoids them all together or dismisses their relevance as if there’s nothing to see. The greatest trick the devil, his fallen angels and earthly minions ever played was convincing you they don’t exist. That it’s all in your head. In other words, a conspiracy theory…