Keane’s professional relationship with rabid anti-Trump, pro war Neocon lunatic Bill Kristol at the Institute for the Study of War made me think of the possibility of corruption of sentiment. Of pro-war bias versus a position of de-escalation as a worthy objective. It’s not that I disrespect Keane. I object to his strategic Miopia and tactical tunnel vision.

At least Colonel McGregor is willing to consider the strategic national security concerns of having a NATO-ized ukraine, backed by Article 5, on Russia’s border as legitimate. We should all be concerned. He’s also willing to consider a peaceful solution as a viable alternative to the complete decimation of Ukraine in both High Intensity and low intensity, guerrilla war conflict. It will be catastrophic. A great social, political and economic cataclysm.

Keane seems like a one-trick pony: continued escalation of war against Russia as the only alternative. I wouldn’t even call it a lack of moral vision as much as lack of common sense. In other words, one doesn’t need to be a four star general to comprehend Russia’s legitimate position and the impending regional and possible international apocalypse.

Not sure why Liz Claman is riding Keane’s jock so hard without even a little protest or concern for escalating kinetic tensions. I thought women were the gentler sex. I guess Hillary Clinton on Libya ‘We came, we saw, he died,’ showed us otherwise. She almost had an war-gasm recounting the sordid details of the situation. That’s for sure.

McGregor understands what an outmatched and outgunned Russia means in terms of reaching for the nuclear option as a last defense via a good offense. Or, as Michael Savage once said “he who strikes first strikes last.” Russia has a lot of experience with both war and chess…not to mention throwing away millions of lives, innocent and otherwise.

Blessed are the peacemakers.