Levin defends RINO turncoat Lindsay Graham’s call to assassinate Putin + my thoughts…

I served in Army Counterintelligence under Ronald Reagan during the Cold War. I remember it was Reagan who signed an executive order forbidding the U.S. in direct assassinations. As for encouraging a foreign power to assassinate one of its own, Reagan certainly never did that–even during the coldest freeze of the Cold War. Still, he wasn’t able to dodge an assassin’s bullet himself. Neither was Pope John Paul, through a Bulgarian communist plot to kill him.

A bullet can take out anyone…

Lindsay Graham seems to be grandstanding with his calls to kill Putin. My objection to Graham is that he – as a leading Republican politician, during a time when diplomacy and detente is needed to help save lives – is out there calling for targeted assassination.

I didn’t say I’m against someone taking Putin out. I didn’t say I’m for it either. I simply do not know…at this point. What I do know is this: if you’re going communicate that message, do it quietly through back channels.

Putin is the ex head of Cold War KGB. An invitation to assassinate him is an invitation for Putin to assassinate those calling for his assassination. Saddam Hussein, a man of lesser means, is reputed to have sent a team of assassins to Kuwait to kill former President George HW Bush. In other words, if Graham, as a man of political power, wants to live by that sword then he’d better be prepared to die by it: either by a foreign source…or domestic!

If Levin, Hannity, or any other media pundit is really hot to confront Russia they can always encourage their family and friends to enlist in the armed services. My family is a military family. We all enlisted. Some recently fought in the Middle East and were injured. I do like Hannity and Levin though I disagree on some points. Thank God Levin is hot on the Marxist’s trail and exposing their nefarious actions.

This is larger than Putin and Zelensky. A lot more is at risk and all is not as it appears on the face of it. There are many seen, unseen, understood, not understood and misunderstood dynamics in play.

The Neocon arm of the Republican party has little to offer in fighting the Globalists, New World Order and universal Culture War against humanity. At least some Russian thinkers and doers are willing to address, if not confront it.

Many intellectually lazy or lacking Repubs probably still think it’s a conspiracy theory because they cannot wrap their little heads around it. Yet, that dynamic figures prominently in the current Russia/Ukraine conflict. Talkers will talk, though. That much is for sure.

Feel free to click on my “Analysis” tab for some of my writings on various national security related topics…

Lindsay Graham turned his back on contesting the suspect election that installed Biden and buried Trump. He “bears” some responsibility for where we are socially, politically, economically, militarily, health-wise and even spiritually, today, in this destabilized world. Especially regarding poking the Russian bear.

Graham = political garbage. It’s going to take a lot more than pretentious, anti-Putin hot air to restore trust in his judgment. I think the Russians were correct in their assessment of the man: Graham’s “a drunk” who’s “lost his mind.”

If that makes me a Putinista, go f*ck yourself! – Opinion Watcher