Are we failing to fully grasp the possible implications of what is going on here? 1) This may be the first religious war of the 21st century. A holy war if you will, if only in Putin’s mind. He’s already evoked and invoked the idea of Holy Mother Russia and Holy Rus, like Stalin did during WWII. I don’t think that’s mere rhetoric. 2) He’s said it’s existential. That is, Russia’s very existence is at stake. Think Israel under state of total Islamic siege with its finger on the nuke trigger.
Putin told the Russian people a few years back that if they die in a nuclear war they will all be martyrs. If true apocalypse is indeed spiritual, then what’s a nuclear holocaust?
I don’t know what else to say. Nuclear weapons can take several forms. An EMP. A suitcase nuke. A tactical nuke. ICBMs You know…
Key your eye on the Great Red Dragon. Beware cold feet too…