No Safe Space: Nick Fuentes Banned from Twitter Following Continuous Pressure from Jewish Groups (Vincent James)

Dennis Prager should step up but he won’t. Just like he didn’t for Owen Benjamin. I’m sure Vincent James will also be met with a chorus of “antisemitism!”

Reminds me of how certain Jewish groups mercilessly attacked Mel Gibson on his excellent film “The Passion of the Christ” before it was even released. Prager didn’t step up to defend Gibson from the onslaught.

These people, these ethnic organizations and self-appointed guardians act like communist front groups persecuting Americans for their basic civil right to freedom of speech then scream “antisemitism” when anyone objects to their persecution or retaliation for anything other than officially authorized party line on the state of Israel.

Don’t you free-speech hating idiots realize you bring real antisemitism against yourselves by your anti-democratic, anti-free speech, persecutorial behavior? Their control freakery, victim mentality, fear of abandonment (by the USA) and entitlement fits the DSM for Borderline Personality Disorder. In other words, a mental disorder. And they sure act like it.

Do I agree with everything Fuentes and Benjamin say? No, but they make a lot of great points and have a right to reasoned and reasonable – even unreasonable – speech even if what they say is unpopular. These guys aren’t hard-core, genocial racists in any sense of the word or I wouldn’t be writing these words.