Milley defends U.S. military teaching of Critical Race Theory (No wonder our military is so screwed up)

Milley doesn’t seem to grasp that Critical Race Theory is anti-American, Marxist, revisionist history, hate indoctrination 101. If this social-insurgency, Left-wing garbage reared its ugly head in the Cold War, 1980s military of Ronald Reagan, US Army Counterintelligence would call it Subversion and Espionage Directed Against the Army (SAEDA) and an investigative report would probably filed on Milley. Or, at least I would have advocated it.

Now the opposite is true. I’d be investigated for resisting this obvious Marxist indoctrination.

Milley’s the Christopher Wray, John Brennan of the Military. I know the type. At best he’s a careerist useful idiot. Perhaps he’s another corporate [institutional] sociopath just following orders?

He should be removed from power along with the Afro-Marxist sympathizer, Sec Def LLoyd Austin

before the morale, esprit de corps and mission readiness of the armed forces is further damaged.

There needs to be a massive purge of Leftists, Marxists, socialists, Globalists and communists from government power before America becomes unrecognizable…and not a free republic.

If Milly showed as much disdain for Globalism and Marxism as he clearly demonstrates for it we might actually be able to turn the situation around rather quickly. But alas! Another hive-minded, group-thinking ass…

I’d bet you dollars to donuts this guy believes so-called “Climate Change” is one of the greatest threats to national security facing America, perhaps the world. Undoubtedly a fat corporate or university job awaits him after his government gig ends. His reward for playing ball with the Deep State, Government/Media/Corporate Complex is assured…