It’s also become a family business. The parents enlist. The kids join. It’s a good way to make a living when outsourcing, offshoring and in-sourcing of foreign labor leave meager prospects for career advancement in the public sector.
These volunteer careerists go along and rationalize any corruption and perversion in the military so they can get ahead, make rank, get some medals and retire. Then double dip and work for the federal government when they get out. If the entire military were made of trannies, corporate private contractor mercenaries or illegal aliens, they’d concoct an excuse in favor of government policy. They shun the private sector because they know it has little to offer the group-thinker.
It’s time to bring back the draft to get in Americans that want to kick ass, take names, preserve the Republic and go against the bureaucratic ants and hive-mind termites in the military masquerading as heroes. Patriots for profit are some…
You see this in other federal agencies too. Look at the FBI. When the last time someone low or mid-level broke rank to stand up for authentic national security and blow a whistle or go public in defense of Trump, contra tech transfer to communist China and against the Marxist Dems?