In our opinion, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is an incompetent, useful idiot, Afro-Marxist sympathizer put there to take orders from fellow travelers like Obama, Susan Rice, Kamala Harris et al and wreak havoc because he’s black; hence, unassailable lest you be called a racist.
Opinion Watcher is calling this snake out right here and now. He’s a danger to morale, esprit de corps and military readiness; hence, national security. We’re not buying your bullsh*t Llyod. Instead of looking for a “white nationalist” boogeyman [AKA Trump supporter] under every tent start outing the Marxists, Socialists, Globalists and Red China sympathizers within your ranks. You can start at the Pentagon and work your way down to echelons below corps.
Then you can resign for using Marxist language yourself and perpetuating distrust and Culture War ethics in the military with your reckless and divisive “equity” and “inclusive” [your words not ours] crusade. You’re no Mike Pompeo, that’s for sure. And by the way, “America First!” Or, can’t you utter those forbidden words?