GOD (Yes), REINCARNATION (No), AND ASTROLOGY (As defined by Michael’s Rabbi friend in this interview? Hmm… Interesting in the context presented. According to the late Malachi Martin, even the Catholic Church at one time considered the implication of the stars to terrestrial matters. Not so much these days, since in a different context it could be considered occult. The Catholic Brazilian philosopher Olavo de Carvalho used to be into Astrology but abandoned it as far as I know. St. Augustine said Astrology as relates to earthly matters and the actions of men was rather hard on the stars…
This is a very fascinating conversation between Michael and a conservative Jewish Rabbi. Michael says he is having a personal crisis. If you’ve been a long-time listener, you’ll know he’s had numerous throughout his life which have marked capital moments of decision, forks in the road and change. I can relate as most of us can. I too have endured significant moments of life crisis. I call these smaller, “dark nights” as opposed to The Dark Night of the Soul. Taken collectively, over a lifetime; however, they can amount to the equivalent of that particular set of transformative psycho-spiritual events: i.e. THE Dark Night. These can also be viewed in terms of psycho-spiritual “purgation,” usually followed by some form of illumination. Purgation > Illumination > Unification.
For Michael this one is qualitatively different, however because it’s existential. He recently suffered a heart attack and his mortality undoubtedly looms large. Could this be a rather severe blessing in disguise? He didn’t die like his relatives before him but instead has mercifully been given more time to work things out and put everything into perspective.
For me, what breaks through the chains of hyper-rationality and my natural predisposition to sometimes doubt religious/spiritual things are synchronicities: coincidences with moral or spiritual significance. These experiences are hard to put into words because they can be so subjective, personal and uncanny. Sometimes they’re gentle and other times not. I see these as signs, symbols and highway markers that bolster my confidence, orient me and dispel doubt as to my current direction in life. The supernatural often makes itself known via the natural. For instance when Jesus was baptized and the Spirit of God descended as a dove. This is the Signified Will of God. Though one needs to be cautious not to read too much into simple events or lapse into magical thinking. After all I am not the center of the universe.
These synchronicities aren’t sought and shouldn’t be. They invariably ensue and I usually don’t understand them fully at the time. But looking back they make more sense as pieces of life’s puzzle. There is a natural (preternatural) element and supernatural dynamic simply because they transcend coincidence, unite disparate natural elements in an unnatural way and contain intimations of a greater power and design at work.
Sometimes, as in the case of seeing a medical professional to gain some outside answers and input, others may be pulled into the experience(s); thereby, elevating them to the trans-personal level, for their edification (and mine). This can be unnerving to the other party involved, especially if their world view makes no allowance for such experiences. It’s up to them to integrate them into their own set of beliefs, which can cause anxiety, even anger…especially if they have to reorient their road map of realty to include new truths. The Swiss Psychiatrist Carl Jung wrote about these.
It would not be unusual for Michael Savage to have some of these superseding and transcending experiences if the Hound of Heaven is ardently pursuing him. He readily admits he’s very attached to worldly things. If he’s too attached – as most of us are – synchronicities may suggest orienting himself towards the immaterial a little more in preparation for The High Jump.
Sometimes these experiences may come before or after serious personal loss or trauma, especially if one’s faith is at stake. God sometimes plays hardball. After all faith and salvation are serious, eternal business. It may be gentle, jarring or both.
Again, don’t look for synchronicities–they’ll find you. They’re unmistakable.
Then again, perhaps Savage will go quietly into that long, good night. I highly doubt it though…he’s still got a lot to say.
On the flip side are negative synchronicities. These can affect the good as well as the evil. But that’s another discussion…
Stay tuned! Seek up!
“For soon we will all find our lives swept away …” -Dave Matthews