No higher functions. No intellectual life. No interests or hobbies. No conversation (“flat speech”): dismissive one-liners with no depth or background. Zombified. The walking dead.
Malachi Martin said in his new forward to “Hostage to the Devil” that America was entering a very dangerous period of cultural desolation wedded to a dominant self interest that is not only a breeding ground for demonic possession but could threaten all of our achievements and successes as a nation, veritably wiping them out in a wave of nihilistic subjectivity, redefinition and Marxist reification.
The current nihilistic Cancel Culture (Maoist?) surge in America proves his discernment of 20-25 years ago to again be very prescient. To me it’s just a good, old-fashioned resurgence of paganism (neo-paganism) following the traumatic collapse of the West, wedded to the materialistic, high-tech utopian quest. Some call it Luciferianism (Naturalism).
Hence, capitalism devoid of humanly acceptable goals and values, as Olavo de Carvalho observed, becomes the suicidal engine of its own destruction. Witness the transfer of entire American industries to communist China and their gulag of slave labor factories producing cheap goods to feed the voracious, soulless appetite of materialist global indifference…even if it ultimately costs us our way of life…and lives.