Now Here’s Something Interesting: A Holocaust Survivor Explaining the Palestinian Side of Things ▶ 2023-10-13
Canadian Prepper and Israeli Citizen Discuss Hamas Attack Inconsistencies, Deep State Motives and WWIII ▶ 2023-10-13
Presidential Doomsday and Nuke War Command Planes in Air over USA + Ground Invasion of Gaza Imminent ▶ 2023-10-13
Secretary of State Blinken Pledges Unending Support (Blood and Treasure?) for Israel + My Thoughts ▶ 2023-10-13
Here is The Message the Israeli Defense Forces Sent to Palestinian Civilians Regarding the Coming War ▶ 2023-10-13
Arrest This Lunatic: NY Mayor Says Illegals Have a ‘Right’ to Take Jobs Away from Americans 2023-10-13
Too Bad Graham Wasn’t as Passionate Against the Stolen Presidential Election as He is For Bombing Iran 2023-10-13
Shapiro Rages at Tucker for Putting America First (Former Anti-Trumper Shapiro Has a Quick Tongue, That’s about It) 2023-10-13
Americans Last: Dem Governor Says Taxpayer Dollars Have Been Diverted to Care for Illegal Aliens 2023-10-13
Israel Warns 1m Residents of Northern Gaza to Leave Until War’s End (Time to Get out of Dodge) 2023-10-13
Sam Bank-Fraud Directed Execs to Commit Criminal Fraud, Including Donating over $10m to Biden 2023-10-13