Tranny High School Student Assaults Girl after Allegedly Exposing His Genitals and Spitting ▶ 2023-04-29
California’s Successes Aren’t Because of Newsom but Despite Him, While Its Mounting Failures Belong to Him ▶ 2023-04-29
If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Shock ‘Em: Colorado Cops Tase Man After Heated Argument + Soundtrack ▶ 2023-04-29
Fallout from Bud Light Trying to Force Tranny/Homosexual Mental Disorder on America Continues (Mark Dice) ▶ 2023-04-29
They Don’t Like Scrutiny: Pentagon Officials Say ‘We’re a Better Country’ Now That Tucker’s Off the Air 2023-04-29
Perpetual Boot in the Face: WEF Calls on Leaders to Make “Good Use” of Mass Data Collection 2023-04-29
Justice For Sale? DeSantis Dined with Top GOP Megadonors in Israel Before Signing FL Hate Crimes Law 2023-04-29
Hunter Biden’s Lawyer Controls Entity with 10% Stake in Chinese State-Backed Investment Fund 2023-04-29
New York on Cusp of Being First State to Ban Natural Gas (What Next? Mandatory Cricket Sandwiches?) 2023-04-29
Unseen Hand: Pfizer Funded ‘Nonprofit’ Chicago Urban League to Promote Citywide Vax Mandate 2023-04-29
Records Show Funding for EcoHealth/Wuhan Institute Research to Create Coronavirus ‘Mutants’ 2023-04-29
AZ Border Communities Face Potential Illegal Alien Invasion Disaster Due to Expiration of Title 42 2023-04-29
Miracle of the Bells: One Intel Official Wouldn’t Sign off on Corrupt Hunter Laptop Letter 2023-04-29
RFK Jr Says ‘Mega-Billionaires’ Are Using Climate Change to Usher in ‘Totalitarian Controls’ 2023-04-29
A Miracle? Biden Issues Executive Order Authorizing DoD and Homeland Security to Send Military Forces to Border 2023-04-29