Angela Davis, Black Communist, Revealed to Have White Puritan Ancestors: Never Forget this Terrorist (Savage)▶ 2023-03-05
East Palestine, Ohio residents call for more independent testing as distrust of officials grows ▶ 2023-03-05
Livid E. Palestine Grandma: Norfolk Southern Would Only Pay Hotel for 4 Days for Sick Grandkids▶ 2023-03-05
Men Have Stopped Dating Women, Feminism Is Ripping American Culture Apart (That’s What Marxism Does)▶ 2023-03-05
Florida GOP Declares War on the First Amendment to “Combat Anti-Semitism” (Sticks and Stones…) 2023-03-05
Trump tells crowd at CPAC: ‘This is the final battle…if they win we no longer have a country’ 2023-03-05
Barr Likens Mexican Drug Cartels to ISIS, Encourages Military Action (Yes! a new “Phoenix” program) 2023-03-05
Degenerate Biden Regime tacitly endorses deranged drag queens dancing in front of innocent children 2023-03-05