Tucker Carlson: These are lunatic policies (Soviet-esque policies: We’re all heading to the poor house) 2022-11-25
Elizabeth Holmes “They don’t put pretty people like me in jail” (entitlement + fake deep voice + charlatanry = sociopath) 2022-11-25
Klaus Schwab Says China Will Be a ‘Role Model’ in ‘Systemic Transformation’ of the World (Conspiracy Theory?) 2022-11-25
Biden Pushes to Ban ‘Semi-Automatic’ Firearms: ‘No Social Redeeming Value’ (But Finds Such in Abortion?) 2022-11-25
What is Going on With Disturbing Balenciaga Ad Involving Children? (Answer: Pedo Nightmare) 2022-11-25
Brittney Griner transported WORST penal colony in Russia: Beatings, Torture, 16 hour work days… 2022-11-24
WEF Globalists Have Wicked Plans for You: While They Eat Like Royality and Luxuriate in Opulence 2022-11-24
Deluded Jim Cramer SAID THIS About Sam Bankman-Fried & Sociopathic Theranos Chick (Too Funny) 2022-11-24
First openly trans NH Rep. arrested for stalking, violating protective order days after reelection 2022-11-24
Tom Cotton says his anonymous tip line ‘flooded’ with reports of woke ideology in military 2022-11-24