Former Pfizer VP Warns COVID-19 Vax Program Is Part Of A Worldwide Conspiracy And A “Criminal Manufacture” 2022-02-22
Gen Keane: Putin wants to construct post-Cold War boundaries within Europe (Yes, it’s a time-phased, rolling wave operation…) 2022-02-22
Collapse of Democracy: What’s happening to truckers in Canada reveals the future of the United States 2022-02-22
Biden Regime wrestles with whether Russia has ‘invaded’ Ukraine (i.e. “Argues over the Shape of the Table”) 2022-02-22
Rage Against The Machine – First Public Performance Oct. 1991 (Remarkably Tight for the Commies’ first show) 2022-02-21
“Havana Syndrome” stumps investigators as U.S. officials report injuries on White House grounds 2022-02-21
20% Crash Coming? Could We see a Fast Drop in Asset Value or Slow Multi Year Journey with 50% Crash? 2022-02-21
Lt. Gen. Kellogg: We’re at the end of the diplomatic game (Exactly. Putin’s path was laid down a while back…) 2022-02-21
DRONE FOOTAGE OF PEAK CONVOY (Hell no, we don’t want a dangerous, experimental vax and to be tracked – Red China-style – like dogs with a vax passport) 2022-02-21
Ottawa Police Chief: Protesters Will Be Hunted Down and Punished Even If They ‘Retreat And Go Home’ (don’t like the mandatory vax & vax passport? You’re a terrorist) 2022-02-21
Pentagon says Russia could attack Ukraine today | Russia says no plan for Biden-Putin summit 2022-02-21
Capital Fence & barbed wire going up ahead of biden State Of Union + Trucker protest, Sydney Trains Shutdown 2022-02-21
WA Post paints Freedom Convoy as ‘explicitly racist,’ arguing ‘freedom is a key component of white supremacy’ (Now you know who the communists are: The enemies of America. They hate you, me, us…) 2022-02-21
FBI (Federated Bakers of Indiana?) says Muslim who set fire at mosque had no ‘political or ideological motivations’ 2022-02-21
Decorated Canadian Veteran: Trudeau Has Declared War On His Own People (no surprise. The Globalists have declared war on the entire earth) 2022-02-21
Great Reset: Joe Rogan Left speechless when learning how the World Economic Forum (WEF) is infiltrating governments around the world 2022-02-21
Autopsies of 2 teenage boys who died days after receiving covid vax prove it caused their deaths 2022-02-21
Chicago Fed President Praises the “Benefits of Running the Economy Hot” (Burning the working class with inflation) 2022-02-21
CANADIANS SING ANTHEM AS POLICE ADVANCE (Yes, it is right, good and patriotic to resist a dangerous vax mandate and Orwellian vax passport) 2022-02-20
interview: Russian Ambassador to the US: says no plans to invade (the best laid plans of mice & Russians. He should throw a hot pierogi at this CFR spokeswoman) 2022-02-20