Crazy School Board Official Yells At Parent To “Get The F*ck Out” + more, For Not Wearing Mask (Besides ineffective masks, Covid can be transmitted through exposed eyes. Should he wear goggles too?) 2022-02-17
Globalist Trudeau Freezes Protesters’ Bank Accounts In Authoritarian Crackdown On Truckers (Redefined as terrorists? Enjoying your free 30-day trial of Chinese communism?) 2022-02-17
Will a 4th jab be necessary? What about the risks? When does it end? La Raza (The Race) Clinic? Ha, ha! OK. Are “Gringos” & “Anglos” welcome? Never mind I’ll pass… 2022-02-17
Russian-backed rebels and Ukrainian forces accuse each other of firing across the ceasefire line in eastern Ukraine 2022-02-17
The Brainwashing is working: record 7.1% of US adults now identify as LGBTQ (I wonder what it was in ancient Rome before the city burned?) 2022-02-17
Blackstone Buys 12,000 Sunbelt Apartments For $5.8 Billion (They’ll own everything and like it) 2022-02-17
“A Recurring Fountain Of Revenue:” FDA Exec Admits Sociopathic Biden Regime Planning Dangerous, Annual Covid Shots–Including Toddlers 2022-02-17
Tensions growing at Ukraine border with Russia as US sends more troops overseas + US and Russian Jets Almost Collide 2022-02-16
Vlad Putin Spotted Playing Jazz Fusion Bass in a New York City bar again over the weekend? You decide. 2022-02-16
Little Red Riding Hood Holds White House briefing for Presstitutes (If she showed up at my door with a bonnet in her hair and a lunch basket, I’d take her on a picnic…with some red vino) 2022-02-16
Canadian Media Now Says FREEDOM Is A “Far Right” Concept (“Freedom is Slavery” -George Orwell. Again, the diagnosis of Sociopathy used to be “moral insanity.” If the shoe fits…and it does for the ethics of Marxism/communism) 2022-02-16
Will you need a 4th dose of the COVID vax or a yearly jab? (Check out this pro-vax, puff-piece of…) 2022-02-16
Hillary was attempting to ‘overthrow’ Trump (It’s called a coup. But she’s a Progressive Dem so…you know…it’s OK. She’s their Liberal Fuhrer: One of the team. Where’s Comey & Mueller? The FBI & Presstitutes are complicit…) 2022-02-16
Trump says DOJ should ‘absolutely’ declassify remaining Trump-Russia probe records, after Durham filing 2022-02-16
Biden says war ‘still a risk’ amid fears Putin is toying with the West by removing some tanks but deploying MORE troops 2022-02-16
Globalist Libs Prefer to Ignore Some Nazis (Like Prof Quigley said, the Globalists will use any group to further their New World Order aims) 2022-02-16
Project Veritas Drops Explosive FDA Video About Plans for Future of dangerous COVID Shots: Biden Wants at least 1 Per Year for Everyone. And you know what? The majority of Sovietized americans will gladly render their buttocks unto caesar for their yearly jab 2022-02-16
NY City fires 1,430 municipal workers over vaccine mandate (The other 99% complied with the Sovietization of America and took the vax. To me this is a bad sign) 2022-02-16
A priest used one wrong word during baptisms. The church now says thousands were invalid (This priest is a Lib at the church I used to attend. let me tell you a story) 2022-02-16
War of Nerves: No Sign of de-escalation. Eastern Ukraine Surrounded. Everything In Place for an Attack. (CFR Rep suggests 25-year moratorium on NATO Expansion) 2022-02-15
Hillary Spied On Trump! Says BIDEN’S Justice Department (If a President isn’t protected what chance do you and I have? Answer: Less than zero!) 2022-02-15
TRUMP Calls Savage His ‘Lucky Charm:’ Talks Ukraine, Russia, Putin, Supply Chain, White House Spying by Hillary Clinton 2022-02-15
Wholesale prices surge higher as hot inflation scorches the U.S. economy (the middle class is burning) 2022-02-15
Will the Real Fake News Please Stand UP: US accuses Zero Hedge of spreading Kremlin propaganda (I’m on the lookout for it & avoid RT for that purpose. However, isn’t CNN Big Pharma, Left-wing, et al propaganda? Isn’t MSNBC Biden regime, Bill Gates, Globalist propaganda? Choose your poison. Just don’t drink the Grape Kool-Aid) 2022-02-15
NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg: Alliance ready to engage in good faith dialog with Russia. Sees no deescalation on the ground yet.. 2022-02-15
The mask finally comes off (or, rather goes on): The Dems are the professed enemies of freedom – This was never about the virus. “Freedom is Slavery” -George Orwell 2022-02-15
Man takes vax, has pervasive negative side effects, doctors tell him to drive on anyway and go for the 2nd jab. Dude can’t believe the cult-like behavior of medical professionals…and is getting very scared! 2022-02-15
Build Back Better Biden to crash housing market with expensive, mandatory Green New Deal “upgrades?” (Commie decarbonization regime coming for your private property?) 2022-02-15
The Deep State was running a coup against Donald Trump (Really it’s a Marxist/Globalist coup against the citizens of the United States) 2022-02-15
Biden Regime Kills Israel-to-Europe Gas Pipeline, undercuts American allies in the Mediterranean (Crack pipes for crackheads OK though) 2022-02-15
Tucker Carlson: “February 14, 2022. The Day That Canada Abandoned Democracy and Became a Dictatorship” 2022-02-15
Ukraine’s ambassador to the UK raises possibility it could give up bid to join NATO, Then backtracks? Russia pulls back some troops 2022-02-15