Tucker Carlson – The Government Need for Control is a Reaction to Their Fear (They should fear the people: they’re destroying their country…) 2022-02-12
Is this why Putin is about to attack Ukraine? To keep NATO and the decadent West out of “Holy Mother Russia?” Watch the Alexander Dugin video: Biden Regime’s latest Dept of Energy hire is a “queer activist” who brags about his “kink” of leading other gay men who are pretending to be dogs around on leashes before having sex with them (sodomizing them) 2022-02-12
California considers law to require all workers to be fully vaxxed against COVID (I.e. submit their bodily autonomy to the Socialist state and take a dangerous gene therapy masquerading as a legit vaccine…or go broke, be thrown out on the street and starve with their family while the illegal aliens live for free off their social safety net benefits) 2022-02-12
San Diego County School Retracts Marxist ‘Wheel of Privilege’ Teaching Tool (Brainwashing tool) 2022-02-12
U.S. inflation data like a ‘punch in the stomach’ for the Fed (Just imagine what it’s like for the common working man living paycheck to paycheck) 2022-02-12
Myocarditis after vaccination, firm data (If you go to the comments section on this youtube video you will see many reports of heart attacks, heart problems and all kinds of other adverse effects) 2022-02-11
It’s Heating Up. Freedom isn’t free. Former Canadian military & police call on veterans & retired police to come to Ottawa and support the truckers 2022-02-11
U.S. officials say intelligence shows Russia could be planning to attack Ukraine before end of Olympics (No kidding) 2022-02-11
Free Speech Now Considered “Terrorism” By Biden Regime (The ineptitude and dishonesty of the Biden Regime – not to mention the stolen election – is enough to sow the seeds of public distrust. No terrorists, or free government handout crack pipes, required) 2022-02-11
56% of Americans approve of nothing Biden has done: CNN poll (The Regime is illegit by normal American standards of common decency. Judge them by their actions not their lying rhetoric) 2022-02-11
Freedom Convoy: Speech by Canadian Army Maj Stephen Chledowski Vs. Corrupt Canadian Government that Just Declared an Emergency Crackdown (though they’ve already denied Canadians their basic civil liberties) 2022-02-11
Ontario declares state of emergency (marshal law?) over freedom truckers protesting mandatory vax, business closures, mask mandate and Soviet-style vax passports (If they were violent Antifa or BLM burning buildings they’d be good to go: supported and adulated by the Marxist “government/media complex”) 2022-02-11
World Health Organization Chief Globalist Vax pusher claims Nationalism Is Responsible for Covid-19 Variants (How about the communist Chinese Wuhan lab in cahoots with Fauci?) 2022-02-11
Will Cain on Canadian trucker protests: Voice of the common man (against tyranny) across the West (As the Globalist/Marxist apparatchiks label them terrorists, racists and anti-democracy) 2022-02-11
Evidence The Pentagon Holds Female Soldiers To Lower Standards (But they get paid the same. Where is the love?) 2022-02-11
Backpedaling on Crack Peddling: White House Claims Misinformation, Won’t Provide Details (If you’re addicted to dope & porn you won’t resist the marxist takeover) 2022-02-11
Biden Regime Designates “Free Speech” a “Terrorism Threat?” – Criticism of bad government polices is now terror? (But you’re free to spread Marxist/communist “Woke” ideology in the military) 2022-02-11
AZ Gov Candidate Kari Lake Schools 60 Minutes Australia: 1776 Would Commence If Americans Were Treated Like Aussies During Covid 2022-02-11
satanic conference says that they want people to think of Satan when they think of Scottsdale (I think of cowboys, car shows and good food, how about that lunatics?) 2022-02-11
Hannity: Frail-looking Joe (An animated corpse pulling America down into the grave with him) 2022-02-10
U.S. Army releases plan to address non-existent climate change (How about the threat posed by communist China?) 2022-02-10
Paranoid, Left-wing Biden Regime DHS Warns That Dropping COVID Restrictions Might Lead To ‘Acts Of Violence’ By ‘Extremists’ (Just say it. You’re a white nationalist racist if you don’t get the vax or refuse to wear a mask) 2022-02-10
Mask mandates in blue states dropping faster than Biden’s poll numbers (Somebody Grant Jimmy Dore an Honorary MD degree for more accurate Covid/vax info than Fauci & the CDC) 2022-02-10