Gen Keane doesn’t think Russia will invade Ukraine (Putin smells Western weakness and may have long-term, post-Soviet deception in mind. If he thinks he can reach Kiev quickly he will) 2022-02-07
Scientists got ‘alarming’ reward after siding with Dr. Fauci on COVID origins (No cover-up here) 2022-02-07
Chris “The Worm” Wallace Upset over Jeff Zucker Ouster at CNN? Uncertain About His Future? Don’t Let the Door…Chris. 2022-02-07
Post Vax Madness? Pentagon’s RESPONSE to explosive DOD data showing public health and national security crisis in the military is even bigger story 2022-02-07
CCP Olympics in one bleak photo (Wow! There’s your workers’ paradise: Chernobyl without the radiation) 2022-02-07
Freedom Convoy ADDRESS TO THE NATION of Canada: Worth a Watch as They Expose the Forces Arrayed Against Democracy 2022-02-07
Ex-Trump national security adviser accuses Xi Jinping of staging the ‘biggest land grab in history’ in the South China Sea 2022-02-07
Triple-Vaxxed Comedian Heather McDonald collapses on stage after making fun of the Unvaxxed… 2022-02-07
Ottawa Mayor Declares ‘State Of Emergency’ Amid Trucker anti-Vax- Mandate Freedom Rally (Liberty Hurts) 2022-02-07