(CYA) NIH Removes Language on ‘Gain-of-Function’ From Website Amid Criticism Over Funding Chinese Research 2021-10-25
“Any major city that is run by far-left Democrats has descended into mini Venezuelas” -Savage 2021-10-25
Vax Mandate is Threat to Democracy: Unvaxxed Police, Gov’t Workers To Be Sent For “Education And Counseling” 2021-10-25
Denmark Reports Highest Infection Rate Since May Despite 75% of Population Being Fully Vaxxed 2021-10-25
Hit piece claims WH staffers, GOP members of Congress promised pardons to Jan 6 organizers 2021-10-25
Many FL firefighters fear the vax because they’ve responded to daily calls of people who’ve been seriously harmed or died shortly after injection 2021-10-24
Protesters Crash Through Barricades Carrying American Flag to Protest Vaccine Mandates in New York City 2021-10-24
What is a hypersonic missile? Communist China just fired a nuke-capable one that went around the world (Just in time for a Marxist Kamala Harris presidency. Feel safe?) 2021-10-24
12 year-old Maddie volunteered for Pfizer vax trial: her devastating injuries are censored and ignored by the FDA 2021-10-24
China Ownership of U.S. Ports Creating Supply Chain Problems + Fake Trucker Shortage to Weaken America 2021-10-24
Hillary Clinton demands UK Minister Johnson mandate vaccines’ and wants those refusing jabs sacked (Bad Blue) 2021-10-24