COVID-19 Mu Variant Potentially Able To Evade Vaccines, Present In LA County (The Question Nobody’s Asking: Are We Actually Under a Sustained Chinese Bio-weapon Attack?) 2021-09-04
When All Else Fails, Just Throw out the Stats: As Economic Growth Craters, NY Fed Suspends Its GDP Tracking Model 2021-09-04
U.S. heads into Labor Day with Covid vaccines but a substantially worse outbreak than this time last year 2021-09-04
Tucker: Trump insulted the JCS and faced retribution but the rules are different now under the defunct Biden Regime. No, we don’t have an adult in the White House now, we have a dolt… 2021-09-03
Taliban Carrying out Mass Executions? Pompeo: Taliban likely to continue ‘vindictive’ revenge killings 2021-09-03
‘THE DYING OF THE LIGHT; HAS AMERICA DECLINED FOR GOOD UNDER BIDEN?’ – The Michael Savage Show Note: the old mic sounds good, full [Continued…] 2021-09-03
California’s Recall Election Has Already Been Stolen (The Biden Model: Stolen elections have serious consequences) 2021-09-03
The Biden Effect: US Military Vehicles Left by Joe Biden and Captured by Taliban Spotted Inside Iran 2021-09-03
Checked out: Biden gets confused can’t remember detail from his daughter’s wedding – ‘My mind is going blank now’ (along with his soul) 2021-09-03
ACLU Says the State Forcing People to Take Vaccines is a Victory For Civil Liberties (They’ve always been statist Left-wingers) 2021-09-03
DHS, CNN Scramble To Flip Biden Afghanistan Narrative Back To Domestic ‘White Supremacists’ Threat (i.e. deplorable Trump supporters) 2021-09-03
Sailors and Marines Have 90 Days to Get Vaccinated or Face Punishment (The vax is the punishment) 2021-09-02
Psaki accidentally admits that men can’t get pregnant (I’m sure she’ll get reprimanded for offending the psychos) 2021-09-02
Taliban Wants to Use Service Dogs Abandoned by Cold-eyed Biden Regime (They hate dogs. They’ll use them for target practice) 2021-09-02
Breakthrough cases reach majority levels in some jurisdictions (“Break on through to the other side.” No thanks. I’ll stay natty…) 2021-09-02
Biden Vows Action Against Texas Abortion Ban with ‘Whole Of Government Effort.’ Joe Biden (the King Herod of our time) vs. God: Now Who Do You Think is Going To Win? 2021-09-02
BOMBSHELL Report Suggests Natural Immunity Triggers Better Response Against COVID (Don’t Tell That to the Mad Vaxxers) 2021-09-02
Israel – the most vaxxed country in the world – is now the world’s Covid hotspot (think there’s any connection?) 2021-09-02
CDC Director Tells Unvaxxed Don’t Travel Over Labor Day Weekend (Sure. OK. Ahem… Whatever) 2021-09-02
Biden Advised Afghan President To LIE About Strength Of Taliban (Biden lied, people died, America’s cred is fried) 2021-09-02
Israel inaugurates Chinese-run Haifa port terminal, in likely boost for economy (Sounds like Their equivalent of the Dubai Ports Deal, which Michael Savage helped stop here in America) 2021-09-02