Hey Vuong: it’s not the American way. Not sure why you’re chuckling nonchalantly about mandatory vaccination. It’s more along the lines of a communist decree. Say, N. Korea, China and Vietnam… 2021-09-12
Unfortunately, not all Americans were able to make it to the airport in time to evacuate from Kabul. You Know. Sh*t Happens. Duty. Honor. Pension. 2021-09-12
Cult of the Vaxxed: Covid’s Willing Executioners – Man’s Facebook Friends Turn on Him Because He Won’t Drink the Party Line Kool-Aid 2021-09-12
Trump jr pissed off: China is reverse engineering the Blackhawks Biden gave to Taliban (That was the point: high-tech transfer) 2021-09-12
Frightened Chris Christie Urges GOP To Renounce ‘Extremists,’ ‘Conspiracy Theories’ (OW Urges Christie to put down the meatballs and marinara & focus on what audit experts are saying: fraud) 2021-09-12
Study Finds Teenage Boys 6 Times More Likely to Suffer Heart Problems From Vax Than be Hospitalized by COVID 2021-09-12