Afghanistan evacuations are taking place in a ‘surreal world’ (A bizarro, upside down, Biden world. America is just as unsettling under this lunatic regime) 2021-08-18
Thousands gather outside Kabul airport to flee Afghanistan (Taliban up close and personal) 2021-08-18
CNN Reporter: “Impossible…No Way” For Americans To Get Past Taliban To Get To Airport (Notice how she’s in a Burka. Better get a veil over your face, lady, or you might get publicly caned proper: in the arse) 2021-08-18
CDC Director: ‘Concerning Evidence’ Shows COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness ‘Waning’ Against Delta Variant 2021-08-18
Exclusive: Space Force Officer, Punished After Denouncing Marxism, to Leave Military (Anti-communists not wanted in today’s woke military? Only pension chasing “yes” men?) 2021-08-18
Ireland, Israel report 50% hospitalized with COVID are VACCINATED. Govt’s want BOOSTER shots? (Good luck pumping all that experimental garbage into your system) 2021-08-18
Interview With Arizona Senate President Karen Fann Outlining Suspicious Activity by Maricopa County Election Board 2021-08-18
Since New DHS Alert, You’re a Potential Terrorist if You Oppose White House Lies (Typical Marxist/Communist fear tactics at controlling free thought & speech. Resist!) 2021-08-18
Disturbing Footage Shows Extent Of Weapons Seized By Taliban After Biden’s Disastrous Pullout (While Gen Milley and Sec Def Lloyd Austin were busy undermining the military with Marxist Critical Race Theory training and…) 2021-08-18
Marjorie Taylor Greene Preparing Articles of Impeachment For Biden After Afghanistan Disaster (Making Afro-Marxist Kamala our president? Which is worse?) 2021-08-18
‘Unprecedented’ Police Operation Underway in Sydney to Enforce COVID Restrictions (Medical tyranny) 2021-08-18
Fed’s Powell: There’s no returning to pre-pandemic enonomy (That is, the Fed will now have to permanently assume command of the economy, though not mentioned in the article) 2021-08-18
Schwarzenegger gets dumped by supplement company. Is telling Americans to screw their freedom tantamount to a renunciation of his citizenship? Time to send him packing back to Austria? 2021-08-18