Kabul falls to Taliban (BS Blinken says our mission there was successful. Insane. More bitter fruit of the stolen 2020 election) 2021-08-15
SC county GOP censures Sen. Lindsey Graham after he voted for $1.2T garbage infrastructure bill 2021-08-15
We’re All Terrorists Now, in the Dope Show: Opposition To COVID Measures Defined As Terrorism By Kabul Joe’s DHS? 2021-08-15
In July, Forked-Tongue Biden Snaps ‘Not True’ Intel Says Afghan Govt Will Collapse –Today, Taliban Enters Kabul (The Lying Snake) 2021-08-15
Is no vax soon to = no travel, no job, no food, no entertainment…no medical care? Why, that would be medical dictatorship! 2021-08-15
Larry Elder Says He’ll ‘Suspend’ Statewide Vax And Mask Mandates If Elected CA Gov, Vows To Fight Local Orders 2021-08-15
U.S. Helicopters Rush In To Evacuate Americans At Embassy In Kabul: ‘This Is Joe Biden’s Saigon’ (Kabul Joe Fiddled While Afghanistan Burned) 2021-08-15
Sellout (Like Mike Pence) Lindsey Graham warned Trump Jan 6 will be his ‘political obituary’ if he doesn’t get over 2020 election (My commentary) 2021-08-15